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November 27, 2004

Beyond Einstein's Relativity: Cosmology Dissident Says Big Bang Absurd

Eit Gaastra, a Dutch chemical engineer who turned to cosmology to find meaning in life and explanations for the origin of this universe, says that the Big Bang is an absurd theory and that we will be laughing about Einstein before too long. Strong words, especially as they don't come from an established scientific authority but from a self-taught dissident.

For those interested in the details of Eit's Infinite Universe cosmology, they are outlined on his homepage.

Gaastra believes that science has gone down the path of religion, into an unmovable dogmatism that stifles research and new ideas. In a recent presentation, given in Leeuwarden in the Netherlands, he paints a simple view of today's cosmology and outlines how today's dearly held scientific dogma suggests scenarios of doom and isolation. We must open our minds to new ideas and follow our intuition, is the message, if we are to realize our creative potential and advance human knowledge.

Here is an English translation of that talk.

- - -

See also:

A theory of Einstein the irrational plagiarist
The fact that Einstein was a plagiarist is common knowledge in the physics community. What isn't so well-known is that the sources Einstein parroted were also largely unoriginal. In 1919, writing in the Philosophical Magazine Harry Bateman, a British mathematician and physicist who had emigrated to the United States, unsuccessfully sought acknowledgment of his work.

"The appearance of Dr Silberstein's recent article on General Relativity without the Equivalence Hypothesis encourages me to restate my own views on the subject," Bateman wrote.

"I am perhaps entitled to do this as my work on the subject of general relativity was published before that of Einstein and Kottler, and appears to have been overlooked by recent writers."


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Saturday November 27 2004
updated on Friday December 10 2010

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Readers' Comments

An e-mail response by Caroline Thompson, which I believe may be interesting also for other readers...

Dear Eit

Sepp Hasslberger [] suggested I might be interested in your ideas, and indeed I am. You say (in ) that you have been very interested in physics since 2001, and I gather that you have concentrated on what is wrong with Einstein's theories of relativity and the Big Bang. But his invention of the photon may go down in history as an even worse blunder! All true scientists were against the idea at first, and it only caught on, I think, because the media had promoted Einstein to god-like status after the supposed confirmation of his General Relativity theory by the 1919 eclipse data.

I too think that there are exciting things yet to be discovered, but they are mainly in the area currently dominated by quantum theory. I have been studying this (mainly optics) since 1993, and consider most of the claims of confirmation to be worthless. In quantum optics, there is nothing that cannot be modelled much more satisfactorily using a purely wave model of light and ordinary classical methods.

Perhaps if you have a spare moment you could look at my web site? I think you might be interested in what I have to say in the section You might also like to read about my own TOE:

"The Phi-Wave Aether: a Wave Theory of Everything",

Yours sincerely

Caroline H Thompson

Posted by: Sepp on November 27, 2004 08:26 PM


Another comment/question received from Charles Weber which I share because of the related theory link...

Dear Sepp Hasslberger;

Thank you for your message. I take note that you believe that the cosmic background is cooler when observed in a cluster. Do you have any original references to this phenomenon?

You do not mention the possibility that quasars are due to a gravitational lensing of its light by a huge mass WITHIN the quasar. Perhaps you have not seen my proposal along those lines at; (link no longer active) now at

Sincerely, Charles Weber

Posted by: Sepp on November 27, 2004 08:38 PM


To understand things in the large (Cosmology) you must firstly understand things in the small. That is not the case in today's official physical theories. Much is described in a proper way but not understood. Of that reason I haveconcentrated myself on the task of understanding fundamental processes of matter on very low level, such as the qutantum atom, the electromagnetism, the gravitation,upcome and existence of elementary particles, the basic nature of light. Starting in this way I think COsmologial problems get their solutions in a natural way.

Posted by: Ove Tedenstig on November 27, 2004 09:43 PM


Dear Sepp;
I write this to inform you that has been changed to (Cause of the Characteristics of Quasars). is now (The Cosmological Red Shift as an effect of Gravity on Photon Frequency).
The Geocities site will not be available after October.
Sincerely, Charles Weber

Posted by: Charles Weber on August 16, 2009 07:14 AM


Much of what you have posted is intresting,however I can, if you are intrested,help to fill in your gaps.There is actually two types of gravity.The dimensions of space actually vibrate.The size of the universe is directly determined by the fact we have gravity.This all comes from a very special computer program which I developed.It has worked much of the structure of space itself.I can tell you much more if you are intrested.

Don Tetterington

Posted by: Don Tetterington on October 26, 2009 01:42 PM


Don, thank you for your comment here. Please also check out my since established site that deals with physics and energy issues more specifically than this one. You find that at And yes, I am interested in knowing more about your ideas on gravity. Perhaps you could suggest an article to publish there, to let more people know about your views and discoveries.

Posted by: Sepp on October 26, 2009 02:23 PM


Revered Scholar,
I would like to show sympathy
with you on the dissident view from relativity and big bang. I will appreciate your time if you visit the website UNIFIED THEORY: THE BACKGROUND MATTER OF THE UNIVERSE, and give comment. Thank you very much.
Sincerely yours.

Posted by: SAICON KIM on May 14, 2014 08:44 PM


I visited the site you indicated, Saicon Kim. The publication is a bit too long to get into in the time I have available, but I can say that I do not support the speculation of "dark matter". In my view, dark matter is an invention to explain that we do not know how gravity actually works. It is a purely theoretical construct that no one has shown to actually exist. Sincerely

Posted by: Sepp on May 15, 2014 04:12 PM


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