March 02, 2005
'Bird Flu', SARS - Biowarfare or a Pandemic of Propaganda?
Are we being stampeded into a pandemic? The announcement was made by Dr Nancy Cox of the US Centers for Disease Control. According to an article in The Scotsman, Cox says that a global epidemic of bird flu could dwarf history’s worst infection disaster, which killed between 20 and 40 million people. The reference of course is to the "Spanish Flu" at the end of World War I which, according to a BBC article of almost exactly one year ago, experts say to have possibly been caused by "a bird virus jumping to humans".
The reasoning in the CDC statement goes on like this:
The H5N1 influenza strain that has already killed 42 has a fatality rate of 76 per cent, cases so far suggest. The virus which caused the 1918 pandemic killed only 1 per cent of those it infected.
The association is tenuous at best and the reasoning sounds odd, but the message is clear: "Prepare for the worst".
It might be good to remind ourselves that H5N1 is very same bird virus that was being "researched", meaning it was being actively changed and cultured, when Liu Jianlun, a laboratory scientist in China's Guangdong province became the first SARS victim two years ago - on 4 March 2003. Another death of a scientist was later linked to a laboratory in Singapore. The laboratory was culturing the same virus.
- - -
The SARS "pandemic" eventually faded away, but not without leaving a deep impression. A high pitched media campaign had convinced the world it was facing a great threat when in reality SARS turned out to be a comparably minor disease with 8.500 infected world wide and around 812 deaths. Compare that to CDC figures of 36.000 flu related deaths yearly in the U.S. alone. Or compare it with the mayhem of more than 100.000 U.S. deaths from the damaging effects of pharmaceutical drugs in the same time span.
"The researchers, from the influenza branch of the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, will mate H5N1 and human flu viruses in a process known as reassortment. Viable offspring will be tested in animals thought to be good surrogates for humans, to see if the viruses can infect, can be transmitted easily from infected animals to healthy ones and to note the severity of disease each provokes. In other words, the CDC researchers will be deliberately engineering viruses of pandemic potential. It's high-risk but crucial work, the influenza community insists."
This is what we read in an article published in Canada just last December, which quotes experts explaining that such an admittedly high risk undertaking is necessary to prevent a possible outbreak of a new pandemic. I just cannot help but think of little children playing with matches in a wood shed. The thought of it is enough to make one nervous.
In Vietnam, about a week ago, annother pronouncement reported by CBC Canada: "We at WHO believe that the world is now in the gravest possible danger of a pandemic," Dr. Shigeru Omi, head of the UN health agency's Western Pacific office, warned a scientific conference in Ho Chi Minh City on Wednesday. Public health officials fear the H5N1 form of the bird flu virus, which has already passed from person to person twice, will get better at spreading between humans and unleash changes for which the population has no natural immunity.
Thus, in a replay of the SARS scare, we again see government research on how to make the virus jump the species barrier, and again we have dire predictions of imminent disaster from the world's top health authorities.
What are the solutions being readied for us? According to an article on newstarget.com, we are in good hands:
Right now, 50 people representing drug companies, governments, and vaccine licensing agencies are meeting in Geneva in a closed-door session to discuss what can be done to prevent this next coming flu pandemic. The World Health Organization has flatly stated there will not be enough vaccine to go around. On their web site, they say, "production capacity for a pandemic vaccine will be vastly inadequate unless other companies engage in vaccine seed development and preparation of batches for clinical testing." The group also stated that in the event of a pandemic, vaccine will be in short supply and will likely be unequally distributed.
The "solution" seems to be a vaccine, which is being readied in all haste and behind closed doors, by those very people who are responsible, directly or indirectly, for hundreds of thousands of deaths each year - the ones who have given us a medical system that has been called genocidal in a criminal complaint filed with the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
Officially, there is no mention of good health being the first line of defense. Not one of the high officials seems to think that 'beefing up' our own defenses by good nutrition, rest and supplements is important, although that would make eminent sense. With the dismal record of vaccines in preventing any disease - they are actually immune suppressors - we should very well look at these other options and perhaps we should make them the primary line of defense against any hypothetical "pandemic" encroaching on the people of the world.
Since SARS was defeated not by a vaccine but by hygiene and by people taking matters into their own hands, stocking up on vitamin C and other immune-enhancing nutrients, would it not be better if we followed this successful path?
Jonathan Campbell tells how to use vitamin C and a few other essential nutrients in his article: Prepare for Avian Influenza!
Various U.S. and U.N. agencies and the Council on Foreign Relations are spreading the word that the Avian Influenza, if it breaks out this fall or winter, could be as severe as the worldwide Spanish Influenza epidemic of 1918, and they are predicting hundreds of millions of deaths worldwide This influenza, currently isolated in China, is a hemorrhagic illness. It kills half of its victims by rapidly depleting ascorbate (vitamin C) stores in the body, inducing scurvy and collapse of the arterial blood supply, causing internal hemorrhaging of the lungs and sinus cavities. Most people today have barely enough vitamin C in their bodies (typically 60 mg per day) to prevent scurvy under normal living conditions, and are not prepared for this kind of illness.
Why manufacture yet another "cash-cow" for the pharmaceutical companies that contribute little to real health and immunity, when the record clearly shows that vaccines are not the way to go? Health authorities the world over seem hell bent on supporting their friends in the vaccine industry. A recent example is the experimental meningococcal vaccine campaign for over a million children in New Zealand at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars, promoted by the health authorities with shamelessly exaggerated figures of disease incidence.
In the U.S., despite a scare campaign in the media and available flu vaccine doses drastically reduced because of contamination-related problems for vaccine maker Chiron, one of only two U.S. flu vaccine suppliers, the flu has failed so far to spiral out of control.
Yet, according to recent press reports, anti viral drugs are being stockpiled to beat the deadly flu and hundreds of Millions of Dollars are "Needed to Control the Bird Flu".
In the face of much evidence that food based nutrients boost the immune system and supplements such as simple vitamin C have been found effective in warding off SARS, it would seem that such strategies should be used ubiquitously as a first line of defense.
Instead, we see research into how to make the bird flu virus more deadly, we see vaccine campaigns being prepared, we see anti-aids drugs making their entree onto the stage as possible agents to "combat the bird flu".
In the media stoked frenzy, we seem to conveniently forget to test vaccines for safety. This introduces a scientific uncertainty. Will an ensuing pandemic really be the fault of a "virus" or could it perhaps be induced by the very vaccines that are touted as the solution. But business is good, it seems - at least for now - for Big Pharma.
What can you personally do to stay healthy?
Go to Jonathan Campbell's site and read Prepare for Avian Influenza!
A good overview is also in this free download:
Beat the Bird Flu Virus: how to protect yourself from the coming bird flu pandemic
By Mike Adams - Truthpublishing.com
I also recommend you read these articles:
The Completely Natural and Safe "Antibiotic"
Vaccines Against Natural Processes
Vitamin C may be a life-saver
Mega-doses of Vitamin C can counter avian flu, hepatitis and herpes, and can even control the advance of Aids - By Jane Feinmann
Imagine that a deadly virus is sweeping the world, killing and maiming hundreds of thousands of children. Nothing seems able to stop it - until a doctor stands up at the American Medical Association and reports on 60 cases involving severely infected children, all of whom have been cured. Yet his work, subsequently reported in a peer-review journal, is ignored, leaving the virus to wreak havoc for decades...
- - -
Update June 2007:
Here is a message I recently found on the Alt Medicine Forum, that is interesting in connection with the bird flu.
While the bird flu is not the most hot topic at this time, it is being kept alive by the press and by official agencies reporting every case internationally as if it was the most important event of the day.
We have a protocol of natural substances that may be of help.
Here is one more suggestion of simple but apparently effective intervention, that we should not miss, in the event of an outbreak, how ever unlikely it may be...
hydrogen peroxide
Posted by: "JdB"
Tue Jun 19, 2007
http://www.keephopealive.org/j2005v3n4.html 1920: A case report on recovery from the Spanish Flu using hydrogen peroxide The H5N1 strain of the current avian bird flu has been compared to the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 that killed over 50 million people. An article appearing in The Lancet, a British medical journal, on Feb. 21, 1920, titled: "Influentzal Pneumonia: The Intravenous Injection of Hydrogen Peroxide" tell of a remarkable recovery of a man in a coma near death who received a single injection of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
While the patient recovered, the use of 3% H2O2 solution as a direct injection would not be used today as it might just as likely kill the patient with a gas embolism. This could happen if it were injected too quickly and too close to the heart. However, this case that is part of the public record, is very important because it demonstrates that hydrogen peroxide can kill a deadly virus that has been closely compared to the deadly H5N1 strain of the avian bird flu that is feared will one day mutate into a form that will spread from human to human and kill 50% of those who are infected.
In 1986, I was inspired to write a series of articles on the uses of hydrogen peroxide for both topical and oral application in the treatment of various health conditions and published it in a booklet form. Today, 19 years later and in the 13th edition, it is called "Hydrogen Peroxide and Ozone." It contains numerous case reports on recoveries from infections in both humans and pets using hydrogen peroxide either orally or topically.
In April 2005, I came down with a severe case of the seasonal flu that included a fever of 104 and an infected stomach, lungs and sinuses. My first event upon arising was to vomit in the kitchen sink which I repeated several more times. I was a sick puppy and about to dial 911 for assistance when I thought of using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). I added a teaspoon of 3% H2O2 solution to a glass of water and drank it down rather quickly. It didn't stay down very long, so about 5 minutes later I drank another glass of water with a teaspoon of the H2O2 added. This time it stayed down and a half an hour later I took another virus fighting product called "Grapefruit Seed Extract" and added 10 drops to a glass of water.
I alternated every half hour between the H2O2 and water and the grapefruit seed extract for the first 2 hours, then I reduced this pattern to once every hour alternating between the H2O2 and the grapefruit seed extract. An hour after first starting these two drinks, my temperature began to drop. Within 4 hours it was down to 100 degrees and by the end of the day I was feeling normal but drained. Unlike aspirin that may suppress the fever by turning off the immune response, the H2O2 solution and grapefruit seed extract reduced the fever by actually killing the infection and supporting the humoral immune response.
Since this experience I have thought of other ways of using hydrogen peroxide for the flu.
Sublingual: Hold 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide in the mouth for about 3 minutes every hour on the hour until most of it is absorbed in the mucus membranes. You may then drink a glass of water.
Topical or skin application: Pour 1/4th of a cup of hydrogen peroxide on a cotton terry cloth. Place the cloth on the persons chest and let it sit there for about half an hour. H2O2 will be slowly absorbed into the body through the skin. Repeat this once every 2 hours until it no longer is needed.
Whichever method of using hydrogen peroxide used (oral, sublingual or topical), It might be prudent to alternate with other treatment options like grapefruit seed extract and other options mentioned earlier until you recover from the infection.
Hydrogen peroxide can be found in pharmacies and Grapefruit seed extract can be found in health food stores. I would not use either product as a daily preventative as there can be side effects from long term use. Hydrogen peroxide kills off good intestinal flora and grapefruit seed extract can be very acidifying on the saliva pH.
Other options like cod liver oil, castor oil, garlic capsules and zinc can be used on a regular basis as a preventative. Remember to always keep your doctor informed of what you are using when self medicating
See also related:
How to Stop Bird Flu - Instead of the Vaccine-Antiviral Model
We've had twenty years of the same vaccine-antiviral model for the current AIDS pandemic, with little sign of progress. The multibillion-dollar global initiative to combat AIDS has created expensive patented drugs with very toxic side effects that poor countries cannot afford anyways, and vaccines that are ineffective at best and at worst, unsafe. The policy is not working because the root causes of the pandemic, indeed any pandemic - poverty and malnutrition - have not been addressed. There have been serious abuses of this flawed approach that have come to light...
Korean dish 'may cure bird flu'
By David Chazan - BBC News
South Korea's spicy fermented cabbage dish, kimchi, could help to cure bird flu, according to researchers. Scientists at Seoul National University say they fed an extract of kimchi to 13 infected chickens - and a week later 11 of them had started recovering.
Vitamin C Can Boost the Immune System
ImmuneSupport.com - 03-02-2005
DENVER — People who take daily doses of Vitamin C can boost their immune system, potentially protecting themselves from viruses and colds, according to a study presented at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI).
The Flu Season Campaign Begins
Vaccination Liberation Org Site
Avian Flu Awareness
... a bird flu (avian influenza) information and action site.
Pandemic Influenza as a Bioweapon
Over 700 scientists sign petition protesting United States' spending on biodefense
More than 700 scientists sent a petition on Monday to the director of the National Institutes of Health protesting what they said was the shift of tens of millions of dollars in federal research money since 2001 away from pathogens that cause major public health problems to obscure germs the government fears might be used in a bioterrorist attack.
Research Finds No Evidence That Flu Shots Lower Death Rates
Feds Backtrack On Flu Vaccine Scare
Vaccinations Not Virus Responsible for Spanish Flu
like all anaerobic bacteria & viral illnesses ARE WIMPS
Lyme Disease - A Biological Weapon?
By Marjorie Tietjen - Rense.com 3-16-5
First let's begin with a discussion of what properties constitute an effective biological warfare agent. The Media, The Centers For Disease Control and The Department of Defense would have us believe that the most threatening biological agents are lethal microbes which cause acute disease and then death ... such as anthrax and smallpox. It appears that we are being intentionally misled as to where the real danger lies. Government biological warfare documents speak of incapacitating agents as being the most effective at disabling a nation. When a population is infected with a lethal agent, it is very obvious that measures need to be taken such as quarantine, antibiotics, etc. This helps to curb and abort the epidemic. A much more discreet, diabolical and effective method of disabling a country would be to employ a moderately infectious organism or combination (Russian Doll Cocktails) which would pass slowly through the population unnoticed.
Ebola-like virus death toll rises
The Marburg disease causes fever, vomiting and severe bleeding
The toll from the Ebola-like Marburg virus in Angola has risen to 122, after a baby died in the northern town of Uige, a government spokesman said. The virus, which first broke out in Uige province last October, has now spread to the capital, Luanda. The virus was first identified in 1967 among laboratory workers in Europe who had been working with monkeys...
Flu 'Oddities'
Citizens For Legitimate Government, a multi-partisan activist group produced an excellent page with links to start you out on a personal tour of discovery on the background of modern-day 'epidemics'...
Labs Urged to Destroy Pandemic Flu Strain
LONDON (AP) - Thousands of scientists were scrambling Tuesday at the urging of global health authorities to destroy vials of a pandemic flu strain sent to labs in 18 countries as part of routine testing.
QUESTION: What are the College of American Pathologists and other virus test kit manufacturers doing sending samples of a deadly 1957 Flu virus to thousands of virus laboratories?
Note: Since the AP article originally linked here is no longer available, here is a link to another one on CommonDreams Scientists Scramble to Destroy Vials of Pandemic Flu Virus Sent to Thousands of Labs Mostly in US.
No to GM Smallpox!
Non-governmental organizations around the world are urging the World Health Organization to block a dangerous proposal that would allow the smallpox virus to be genetically engineered, and to ensure that remaining stocks of the virus are destroyed within two years...
Washington Post: Playing With Viruses
Replicating This Flu Strain Could Get Us Burned
An example of how pervasive the agenda of fear has become at the highest levels of government, money and media:
Threat of Bird Flu Pandemic Dominates World Health Assembly
US scientists push for go-ahead to genetically modify smallpox virus
WHO to discuss smallpox research
The World Health Organisation is to consider the controversial question of whether to permit further research on the smallpox virus. Many scientists claim a genetic modification of the virus could speed up the development of new treatments against the disease. But critics say that the best way to defeat smallpox is to destroy the last remaining samples of the virus.
Mysterious Murder of Yet Another of the World's Top Scientists as China Declares Bird Flu Emergency and World Health Organization Warns of Pandemic
How pigs could be launchpad for bird flu pandemic
Chinese misuse ruins drug against avian flu
... [several] blogs announce the launch of a new experiment in collaborative problem solving in public health, The Flu Wiki.
A Wiki is a form of collaborative software that allows anyone to edit (change) any page on the site using a standard web browser like Explorer, Firefox or Safari.The purpose of the Flu Wiki is to help local communities prepare for and perhaps cope with a possible influenza pandemic. This is a task previously ceded to local, state and national governmental public health agencies. Communications technology has now become sufficiently available to allow a new form of collaborative problem-solving that harvests the rich fund of knowledge and experience that exists among those connected via the internet, allowing more talent to participate.
International Campaign to stop smallpox genetic engineering
As if there wasn't enough trouble with infectious diseases, the World Health Organization is pushing to genetically engineer the last remaining samples of the smallpox virus, which has been successfully eradicated, so they can "find out how to fight it". Talk about cart before the horse...
- Tim O'Shea
It was great while it lasted: the age of antibiotics. Sure came and went in a hurry, though, didn't it? Left me with a few questions...
Vaccine may be linked to bird flu cases
According to this article in THE JAPAN TIMES, a strain of bird flu found in Central America (Guatemala and Mexico) may have been used to make a vaccine and actually ended up spreading that strain of bird flu in Japan.
The Deadliest Flu Virus in the World: Made in USA
by Bill Sardi
Americans don't need to wait for a flu virus to mutate. Infectious disease specialists, working in a semi-secure laboratory at a Midwestern university have already done it ahead of nature. These American researchers obtained the viral particles from the H5N1 Spanish flu virus that killed millions worldwide and altered one of its ten genes, making it far more dangerous and virulent than any influenza virus in nature.
Disease by Design: 1918 "Spanish" Flu Resurrection Creates Major Safety and Security Risks"The resurrection of 1918 influenza has plunged the world closer to a flu pandemic and to a biodefense race scarcely separable from an offensive one, according to the Sunshine Project, a biological weapons watchdog.
The Avian Flu Fright is Politically Timed
A Public Health Warning and Political Essay
by Dr. Leonard Horowitz
Will government experimentation cause an Avian Flu Epidemic?
...it now seems likely that there WILL be an Avian Flu epidemic this winter, either carried here from the Far East or caused by vaccine experimentation.
Indonesian researcher finds herbal formula to curb bird flu
Is Avian Flu another Pentagon Hoax?
by F. William Engdahl - October 30, 2005
Against all scientific prudence and normal public health procedure, the world population is being whipped up into a fear frenzy by irresponsible public health officials from the US Administration to WHO to the United States Centers for Disease Control. They all warn about the imminent danger that a malicious viral strain might spread from infected birds, primarily in Vietnam and other Asian centers, to contaminate the entire human species in pandemic proportions. Often the flu pandemic of 1918 which is said to have killed 18 million worldwide, is cited as an example of what 'might' lie in store for us.
Snorting Avian Flu Vaccines - could this cause an Avian Flu Epidemic?
On September 28, 2005, a Reuters press release announced that MedImmune, a company that makes a nasal spray vaccine product called FluMist, had "signed up with the U.S. government on Wednesday to try to make a version of its jabless vaccine for avian flu." According to the press release, the development will entail "splicing" of "selected" avian influenza genes into a "weakened" live human flu virus. There are many things wrong with this idea...
Bush's Fowl Play
by Jeffrey Tucker
[Posted on Wednesday, November 09, 2005]
In a classic case of News of the Weird, President Bush gave a press conference the other day to announce yet another central plan to deal with yet another disaster — this time an impending disaster, or so he claimed. It seems that some birds are catching a flu called Avian Influenza or, more commonly, the bird flu. It causes ruffled feathers and a drop in egg production. It can kill a chicken in two days flat. Scary.
Bird Flu or Cash Cow?
Just in from Eve Hillary in Australia: A new investigative article on the Bird Flu with facts not revealed before. Bird Flu or Cash Cow - The Pandemic Some Want to Have - WHO's behind designer germs?
Avian flu outbreaks may no longer be confined to bird populations. Looks like that the bird flu is about to get a helping hand in jumping the species barrier...
U.S. Team Will Test Live-Virus Bird Flu Vaccine
Researchers at the U.S. National Institutes of Health will soon recruit 30 human volunteers to test the effectiveness of a vaccine containing a live but weakened form of the H5N1 bird flu virus.
BBC News Tuesday, 24 January 2006
Wild bird flu blame 'too hasty'
Governments across Europe are being too hasty in blaming the spread of avian flu on wild birds, says the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.
Is bird flu a conspiracy?
Is there a link between Donald Rumsfeld and Gilead the company which invented Tamiflu and licensed it to Roche?
FOWL! Bird flu - What it's really all about
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
We've all been hearing the news about bird flu. Daily reports tell us that this "so-called" deadly and dangerous strain of influenza is going to jump the species barrier and cause millions of people around the world to get sick and possibly die. In this enlightening interview, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny will forever change the way you view environmental policy, the pharmaceutical industry and the government's role in the dissemination of public health information. Dr. Tenpenny looks beyond the hysteria and exposes the vested interests poised to exploit the fear being generated about bird flu.
U.S. to create a bird flu virus mutation
Atlanta, GA, Mar. 24 (UPI) -- The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has begun a series of experiments to see how likely the bird flu virus could result in a human pandemic. The six-month series of experiments seeks to simulate the mixing and matching of genes from the H5N1 avian flu virus that has plagued Asia and a common human flu virus that public-health experts fear could turn avian flu into a pandemic, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday. CDC scientists inside an ultra-secure laboratory have started swapping the genes of the H5N1 avian virus with the genes of an H3N2 virus, the strain behind most recent human flu outbreaks. The goal is to substitute the eight genes of each virus, one by one, with the eight genes from the other virus to see which of more than 250 possible combinations create flu viruses that could spread easily among humans...
U.S. research justifies mass vaccination "before the virus hits"
This is an interesting audio interview. A computer-simulation based study raises the possibility of using a vaccine widely, even before a pandemic ... the distinction of cause and effect melts imperceptibly into the background.
Risk of human flu outbreak 'low'
BBC - April 2006: The chances of bird flu virus mutating into a form that spreads between humans are "very low", the government's chief scientific adviser has said. Sir David King said any suggestion a global flu pandemic in humans was inevitable was "totally misleading".
The Bird Flu Breakdown Part 1: Two Children in Vietnam
The much anticipated bird-flu plague has yet to emerge, despite much hue and cry. This comes as no surprise to those of us who are familiar with the machinations of the WHO (World Health Organization), CDC and NIH, and their pharmaceutical partners. But, for those more trusting of public health authorities who wish to know more about the making of public health policy, I thought I'd review some of the bright and shiny inconsistencies that have come into view on the bird flu.
FDA Posts New Tamiflu Warning
The new warning notes reports of self-injury and delirium in flu patients taking Tamiflu, mainly among children in Japan. The FDA knows of 103 reported cases -- 95 from Japan, five from the U.S., and three from other countries. Sixty of the 103 cases featured delirium with prominent behavioral disturbance such as panic attack, hallucinations, and convulsions; only one of those cases occurred in the U.S.
U.S. Corporations Keeping Biowarfare Work Secret
A number of major pharmaceutical corporations and biotech firms are concealing the nature of the biological warfare research work they are doing for the U.S. government ... the White House since 9/11 has called for spending $44-billion on biological warfare research, a sum unprecedented in world history, and an obliging Congress has authorized it. Thus, some of the deadliest pathogens known to humankind are being rekindled in hundreds of labs in pharmaceutical houses, university biology departments, and on military bases. An international convention the U.S. signed forbids it to stockpile, manufacture or use biological weapons. But if the U.S. won't say what's going down in those laboratories other countries are going to assume the worst and a biowarfare arms race will be on, if it isn't already.
FDA panel to review Tamiflu's effect on brain
A Food and Drug Administration panel on Tuesday will review reports of abnormal behavior and other brain effects in more than 1,800 children who had taken the flu medicine Tamiflu since its approval in 1999, including 55 in the USA. Twenty-two of the U.S. reports were considered "serious," with symptoms such as convulsions, delirium or delusions, says Terry Hurley, spokesman for drugmaker Roche Laboratories.
None of the U.S. cases resulted in death. But in Japan, Hurley says, five deaths have been reported in children under 16 as a result of neurological or psychiatric problems. "Four were fatal falls, and one was encephalitis in a patient with leukemia," he says.
Yet governments all over the world are spending rivers of money for stockpiling this drug, which apart from having serious safety problems is only marginally effective.
An interesting (anonymous) comment on the article:
"Tamiflu is another pharmaceutical which was derived from a natural plant compound. In this case the source is the Chinese Star Anise plant from S. China. Gilead Sciences developed Tamiflu from this plant in order to create a product which could be patented and monopolized by the drug's licensee, Hoffman Roche. The original natural anti viral, biotivia's bioflu, from which Tamiflu is derived, is safe and effective but can not be patented since it consists of extracts of naturally occurring plants. Again greed triumphs over reason and safety. The natural compound is still available but ignored since Tamiflu was intoduced."
July 2008: Top French Bird Flu Researcher Brutally Murdered In London
Most interesting about these reports, however, is not just the brutal murder of Mr. Bonomo, but the area of study he was embarked upon at London's Imperial Collage, one of the World's premier institutions investigating the deadly H5N1 Avian Flu Virus, and which is being reported to be the claim made by the Indonesian Government that this deadly virus has been 'engineered' by the United States.
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Wednesday March 2 2005
updated on Sunday November 21 2010
URL of this article:
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Readers' Comments
I believe that the bird flue epidemic is due to the fact that the source of the virus comes from animals that are living under stress conditions. Continued stress lowers the immune system making animals vulnerable to opportunistic viruses.
This is especially the case in Asia, where people keep birds caged up in small cages, and to prevent them from illnesses, they are given massive amounts of antibiotics.
80% of all antibiotics produced in the world finish up in animal husbandry, these are passed on to human in animal foods and may be responsible for systemic Candidiasis, causing many digestive problems.
Stressed animals given antibiotics are the source of opportunistic viruses and my prediction is that the next epidemic of SARS will come from Asia or from places where animals for consumption live under stress conditions.
Jurriaan Plesman, BA(Psych), Post Grad. Dip. Clin. Nutr.
For more articles see free web site at
Posted by: Jurriaan Plesman on March 4, 2005 06:41 AM
New Technology: search ammonia absorption refrigeration. Over 8000 cites. Heat from the sun is free. Much more efficient than photovoltaics.
So what was the error?
Posted by: Ed Hughes on April 5, 2005 08:41 PM
There's a really fascinating and well-researched page of articles on the horrific effects of the 1918 flu (the 'Spanish Flu'), together with experts' reports on the likelihood of another global pandemic, over at http://www.survivalistskills.com/1918FLU.HTM.
It makes for truly terrifying reading!
Posted by: Cathy Johnson on April 12, 2005 06:31 PM
From: "Dr. Len Horowitz"
Date: Wed, 1, Jun 2005 20:35:54 -0700
Subject: Bird Flu Vaccine Scam
eGlobal Healing, LLC
Reliable Health Science Communications
1164 Bishop Street, Suites #124-314, Honolulu, HI 96813
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Emerging Diseases Expert Reports Bird Flu Fright a Money-Making Manipulation of the Mass Mind
Honolulu, HI -Several of the world's leading international disease "experts" calling for the prompt development of a new vaccine, and more cooperation, to prepare for a devastating global flu have been condemned for fanning fears for publicity and profit.
The outbreak that worldwide news agencies claim could strike one-fifth of the world's population and kill millions, appears to be a publicity stunt tied to a speculative report in last week's journal of Nature that critics contend reflects vaccine industry prostitution more than solid science.
With no cases of Asian bird flu ever spreading person-to-person, vaccine industry profiteers have periodically fanned fears that such an outbreak is "inevitable." This generates vast profits for the companies engaged in congressional lobbying, fund raising, grant writing, and "infection control" product sales and marketing. Purchasing of myriad products from vaccines to household disinfectants skyrockets as a result of these reports, contends Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, an award-winning consumer health advocate and Harvard-trained emerging diseases expert.
"Clearly there is much to be accomplished, and time is of the essence," said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, regarding the need to quickly develop an organization and vaccine to deal with the threatened flu pandemic. His official advocacy was broadcast internationally by the Associated Press.
Michael Osterholm of the University of Minnesota, likewise, reported that under current technology, a vaccine for a pandemic flu strain wouldn't be available until at least six months after a pandemic started. And at that point, the supply would cover only 14 percent of the global population. "We must demand nothing less than an international effort to develop a new type of influenza vaccine that can be manufactured on a much shorter timescale," he wrote.
"Repeatedly, I see these same 'experts' within government, academia, and industry acting like fear mongers and drug-trading whores instead of reputable professionals," Dr. Horowitz said. Scientific consensus has held for decades that natural immune preparedness for heightened host resistance against infectious diseases is far safer, less costly, and more preventative than vaccine preparedness. But instead of sustained efforts to assure people boost natural immunity through positive lifestyles, including adequate nutritional and pure water consumption, public health prostitutes pollute drinking waters with toxic fluoride and chlorine, approve of carcinogenic food additives, and hype the need to develop another potentially deadly vaccine against a germ that has not even emerged. "What's wrong with this picture, and what happened to the need for developing a vaccine 'specific' for the pathogen, if the germ theory of disease holds true? Do authorities have a crystal ball with which to identify future viral outbreaks, or are they collaborating in programs likely to cause future outbreaks?" Dr. Horowitz questioned. The obvious answers, according to this dotor, involve "huge profits for a burgeoning industry bolstered by institutionalized bioterrorism and quack-like pseudo-scientific fraud."
Condemning these and other "inside traitors" in public health, Dr. Horowitz believes such "mad scientists" and drug-company prostitutes should be stripped of their academic credentials, and "fired for their veteran roles in this and other enterprises devastating to the public's health and psychosocial well-being."
Having conducted several independent investigations into scientific corruption, medical malfeasance, and pharmaceutical payoffs within government, academia, and the public health sector, Dr. Horowitz argues for a greater need to develop a consumer watchdog organization instead of another disease surveillance and pandemic response group as currently promoted in Nature and the press.
The keynote speaker at the American Association of Naturopathic Medicine convention in Orlando, FL this week, Dr. Horowitz will defend this alternative view of healthcare in the age of bioterrorism in a lecture titled, "'Iatrogenocide': The Biotechnology, Politics, and Economics of Emerging Pandemics," in which the public and media is invited.
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Please peruse Dr. Horowitz's healing celebrations website at www.healingcelebrations.com/; reviewers comments regarding his publications at www.tetrahedron.org; and his unique peer-reviewed scientific thesis on the man-made vaccine-induced origin of AIDS at www.originofAIDS.com.
Posted by: Sepp on June 2, 2005 11:57 AM
Avian influenza's "internal factor of selenium deficiency�?
and its epidemic prevention "strategy of treating cause�?
The spread of avian influenza all over the world can not be explained by the external factors. According to the dialectic, the internal factor is the base and the external is the condition and the external factor can act only through the internal factor. What is the internal factor of avian influenza? Study shows that the internal factor of avian influenza is the consumption of a lot of selenium �?the only element that has direct relation with viruses in the body of birds�?in the peak period (autumn, winter and spring) of egg laying, which causes the body unbalanced and susceptible to virus attack.
Let us see the fact that the selenium composition in eggs is very high, with goose egg containing 336 mg/kg, duck egg 307mg/kg, all reaching the selenium rich standard (280mg/kg). The selenium composition of hen's egg is 223 mg/kg, approaching selenium rich standard, and exceeding by far the composition of flour (47mg/kg), rise (70mg/kg) and beef (43mg/kg). It can be said that birds are providing high selenium nurture. However, the sources of selenium nurture of birds are not so good. Taking chicken as an example, a hen can lay eggs 15-18kg, and the egg/ forage ratio should be 2.6-2.8:1. If the selenium composition of egg can reach 233mg/kg, the selenium composition of forage should be 83mk/kg. (not including that consumed by chicken in their life and activity). But in some countries and regions deficient in selenium, it is difficult to reach the level (because the selenium in soil is provided to animals the plants, and if soil is lack of selenium, the food is of cause lack of selenium.). In the state of income falling short of expenditure, e.g. high production of egg and low intake of selenium, the organism of body will lose its balance, and besides, as selenium is an important element needed by immune system, the extreme lack of selenium will increase the possibility of being infected with avian influenza. This can be analyzed from macroscopic and microscopic view.
1. As seen from macroscopic view, the spread of avian influenza over the world is related to selenium deficiency
Fact: over 40 countries and regions are lack of selenium, including Europe, USA, Canada, Asia and Southeast Asia and among them, China is seriously deficient in selenium.
Having opened the selenium distribution map of China, you can see a large selenium deficiency band running from the Northeast to the Southwest composed of 45 parts of provinces and municipalities. In addition, part areas of Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong, Ningxia, Gansu and Xinjiang are also short of selenium. There is only 1/3 of the territory of our country that can reach the normal critical value of 0.1mg/kg published internationally in terms of selenium composition and the rest 2/3 belongs to selenium deficiency area, among which, the area, serious lack of selenium, with selenium composition "¤0.02mg/kg accounts for 29% .
As bird's forage is inexpensive, the materials of forage are usually taken from local resources, and the selenium in the
food chain decides the selenium intake of local birds. Serious lack of selenium and high production of egg make hens lose
their internal balance and cause serious decline of resistance to them. The break-out and spread of avian influenza have
happened just in these areas, and each time, it can be confirmed on the selenium distribution map of china. (See Fig. 1)
Fig. 1
Ass seen from the history of avian influenza, the avian influenza was broken out in Italy, a selenium deficiency country in Europe, followed by Spain, Russia and Holland, which are also lack of selenium. The earliest, largest and most wide 5 times of avian influenza are all broken out in selenium deficiency areas, and the areas where avian influenza happens in 2005 are also short of selenium (See Fig 2).
Fig 2
The United States of America and Canada have also conducted survey on the selenium contents of their soil, and it can be seen from the North America selenium distribution map that the epidemic situation of avian influenza in 2005 is also corresponded to the areas of selenium deficiency ( see Fig.3). As reported, the Southeast Asia is also recognized as selenium deficiency area. However, its selenium distribution map can not be drawn here because detailed selenium composition survey is not available.
It happens that there was a similar case of large scale occurrence of disease caused to human being by lack of selenium. It was the keshan disease, an epidemic disease caused by the lack of selenium in the early days of the foundation of our country. Its was manifested as cough, oppressed feeling in chest, breathe hard, generalized hydrops, lung hydrops, heart failure and finally led to death. Researchers found Coxsackie's viruses in the heart of the dead, and why such a kind of benign virus had become malign virus? Further research showed that it was because of selenium deficiency. Primer made a prompt decision to supplement selenium for 9,000,000 people in 310 area of over 10 provinces, and the disease was controlled. This was a miracle in the world. When avian influenza viruses attack once again, we should pay attention to the macroscopic relation between the disease and selenium deficiency.
2. The relation between selenium and avian influenza viruses as seen from microscopic view
As seen from microscopic view, avian influenza virus is bacilliform or spherical in shape. The spherical virus has a diameter of 80-120mm and cyst membranes and the hemagglutinin of the outer cyst membrane is labeled with "H�?, and according to different antigen of protein, is marked with "H1-H5�?, while its neuramidinase is labeled with "N�?, or "NB1-N9�? according to different protein antigen, among which, H5N1is a highly pathogenic virus. What is the relationship between virus and selenium? It can be described directly and indirectly.
2.1 Direct relation between selenium and virus
The delicate relation between selenium and virus is decided by the characteristics of selenium. Selenium is either a beneficial element essential to the reproduction of living beings or a harmful element with toxicity, and the threshold between the two is very narrow.
The highest composition of selenium is in the semen and ovum
of animals (because each semen contains selenium and each
time hundred million semen are discharged, in the period of peak sexual activity in the age between 20 to 40 for human being and the peak egg production for birds, the consumption of selenium is the highest, leading to serious shortage of selenium in the body). This is designed in breeding instruction of gene. As the main task of gene is to reproduce, the gene keeps most selenium in the spermaduct or Fallopian tube to be used for reproduction. Likewise, birds also store selenium in their eggs according to gene instruction to meet requirement for reproduction. This is why the composition of selenium in eggs is the highest.
The reproduction of viruses also needs selenium (and much more is needed because of large number of viruses). The selenium needed by a single virus is very little, and if enough selenium is available in the organism of animals, the virus that enters the body will die because of overdose (toxicosis) of nutrition (selenium), equal to poison itself. This is a typical form of "combat poison with poison�?, and also a defense module of "with true Qi reserved, no disease will happen�?. On the contrary, when selenium is lacking in the body, it is the best period for viruses to invade the body, because they can get adequate dosage of selenium. In addition, the mutation of viruses always happens in a selenium environment that is most suitable to the reproduction of viruses.
Experiment shows that enough micromolecule selenium compounds can restrain HIV outside of the organism and inorganic selenium compound can restrain cow leucovirus outside of the organism. Therefore, Chen Junshi, a nutritionist in our country has pointed out that "Selenium is the only nutritional element that has direct relation with viral infection�?.
2.2 Indirect relation between selenium and viruses
Recently, there are a lot of reports about the indirect role of selenium on viruses, and the most outstanding is that supplement of selenium can increase the number and activity of NK cell (natural killing cell). NK cell, as the most primitive and most instinctive immune and killing cell, is another type of T cell, and has a strong immune and killing capacity to all microorganism (including all kinds of viruses) and variant cells. Experiment shows that the killing capacity of NK cell is 6-20 times that of other immune cells. People of biological circle are all thirst for the appearance of new products that can increase NK cells. The result achieved by us in application of selenium rich nano-tea is the increase of NK cell number by 20-100%, especially selenium rich nano-white tea. The method is also effective to increase the NK cells, manifesting that the activity of NK cells has close relation with selenium nutrition.
Other indirect roles of selenium on the virus are mainly to increase the immune capacity and strengthen the defense capacity of birds against viruses. Supplementing selenium to birds can significantly increase multinuclear leucocyte's phagocytic per cent and index of bacteria, the number of leucocytes, lymphocytes and neutrophil cells in the blood and
the formation rate of E-rose wreath. All these are the indirect role of selenium in increasing the immune function and anti-virus capacity of birds, and are of the same significance. For example, in Qidong county Jiangsu Province, a high outbreak area of hepatitis B and liver cancer, the incidence of the two diseases has significantly reduced through large-scale selenium supplement experiment.
3. Nano-tech is the key factor in conquering avian influenza
Now that it needs so much selenium in defense against viruses, why it is unable o propagate selenium supplementation?
This is also influenced by the characteristics of selenium. Because the safe application range of selenium is very narrow and its dosage is very small, it is very likely to use excessively if not stirred evenly. In order to solve this problem, our country has first invented nano-selenium, the most significant advantage of which is lower in toxicity and higher in safety compared with other selenium compounds. This is doubtless very important for the popularization of selenium sup0lement.
The acute toxicity of nano-selenium is decreased 7 times that of inorganic selenium and 3 times that of organic selenium. This is a large range of reduction because the gap between the normal selenium composition and selenium deficiency in animals usually doesn't exceed one time. The error of fodder stirring usually doesn't exceed 2 times, and so the 3-7 times reduction of toxicity of nano-selenium will bring about a safety guarantee for selenium supplementation.
After preparation, nano-selenium takes a hollow structure and has the effect of adsorbing and killing viruses and so called a trap for viruses. It is preferable to prepare the selenium into 30-130nm, which is equal to the size of viruses.
Now 3 methods are available for the industrialized preparation of nano-selenium:
Zero valence metal nano-selenium is prepared through reduction and modification of selenium, such as "Xiwang�? produced by Shanghai Sitong Nano.
Another method is to reduce inorganic selenium added with vitamin-C to nano-selenium, which is very simple in operation.
The third is the organic selenium nano-products, which is prepared by crushing selenium rich plants into nano-powder and can be entirely absorbed. Now the conditions for industrialized production of selenium rich nano-tea products are available in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province.
In Enshi of hubei Province, Ziyang of Shanxi province, Fenggang of Guizhou Province and east Chongqing, the selenium soil is the richest in China, and even in the world, The selenium in soil can be converted through plants into organic selenium, which can be used. The tea and other plants growing there contain a lot of selenium, especially in the winter. They can be cut off, crushed and added into fodder, both safe and effective, with a cost only several Jiao a kilogram. And thus, the problem of high cost in adding organic selenium into fodder can be solved.
The dosage of traditional selenium and nano-selenium added into fodder of birds (calculated as per actual composition of selenium) is 0.2mg/kg-0.4mg/kg in growing period, 0.5mg/kg in egg laying period and 0.8mg/kg in anti-infection period respectively. It can be seen that the selenium needed to increase immune function is much more than that required in growing and egg laying period for birds.
As for the method of addition, the selenium preparation should first be crushed and added into pre-mixed materials, and then after stirred, added in proportion into daily fodder. The fodder can be given only after stirred even.
4. "Strategy of treating cause�? in the scientific treatment of avian influenza
4.1 Human being have paid high price each time when extorting excessively, such as the destroy of selenium ecological environment by a lot of sulfur dioxide because of acid rain generated by industrial pollution; the outbreak of "Atypia�? caused by greedily eating game; the excessively retorting from birds (plus over 10 methods inclusive of increasing illumination time to increase egg output by 3.4 times from 7.95 million tons in 1990 to 27 million tons in 2004 in our country), making birds lose their selenium environmental imbalance and finally leading to the outbreak of avian influenza. This situation has also endangered human being, and we have to employ a tremendous amount of manpower and material resources to catch and kill a lot of birds. Up to now, about 140 million birds have been killed, resulting in a direct loss of over 3000US dollars. If human avian influenza breaks out, the cost is estimated to be 800 billion.
China is a large selenium deficiency country, The selenium supplement in such a large scope can become a political behavior only based on a macroscopic study. For example, the present selenium distribution map was drawn in 1980. Now, 25 years have passed, and our country has witnessed high-speed development, with the selenium level in food chain having been greatly influenced by the serious industrial pollution and large amount of discharge of sulfur dioxide. This situation will make the selenium composition and utilization decline greatly. For example, the intake of selenium of English has declined a half in 20 years and now also becomes a selenium deficiency country.
Our country was originally short of selenium, and with tremendous social changes for 25 years, selenium has been greatly expended. Now we should ascertain our resources and prepare a new selenium distribution map of our country.
4.2 We should adhere to the principle of treating both the principal and secondary aspects of the disease.. On the one hand, we should treat the principal aspect by supplementing selenium to the people and birds urgently needing supplement, and on the other hand, we should dramatically change the selenium composition of soil by adopting selenium rich fertilizer, let plants absorb and convert much more organic selenium and increase the selenium contents in food for human and birds to a higher level and up to the standard of supplementing 200mg selenium daily each person as proposed by Who.
A survey over 13 province and cities shows that the average intake of selenium each adult on our country is 26-32mg/day, equivalent only to a half of 50mg/day proposed by WHO. It can be thought, therefore, the intake of birds in our country is also very low.
Of course, it will be futile to apply selenium fertilizer if the discharge of sulfur dioxide is not effectively controlled, because it will make the fertilizer unable to be absorbed by plants. Therefore, it is of great importance to control and reduce industrial pollution.
Finland has been successful in this aspect, This country was in serious short of selenium, and when it was found that its incidence and mortality of heart disease were significantly higher than high selenium countries and regions, the country promulgated a law to add selenium to the soil that produce crop, fodder and grass and has made the intake of selenium each Finn increased up to 90mg a day.
In the Chinese history, Primer Zhou led us create a miracle in the world in conquering kesha virus through supplementation of selenium. Now we have the capability to meet the threat from avian influenza. We should adhere to the principle of treating both the principal cause and secondary aspects of the disease and take legal action in selenium supplementation to increase our internal force and make avian influenza and other quick-variation viruses unable to prevail in our country, and finally create another miracle in the world.
For details,see our website www.369.com.cn
Posted by: Peter Sharpen on August 17, 2005 12:41 PM
From a communication issued by Eileen Dannemann, director of the National Coalition of Organized Women, October 11, 2005:
Researchers and scientists recommend an emergency restraining order on Med Immune Vaccines, Inc., FLU MIST
According to research team, Dr. Mark and David Geier, the current flu vaccines are not only ineffective against the expected Avian Bird Flu pandemic but "the FDA Approved thimerosal/mercury-free FLU MIST (MedImmune Vaccines, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD) vaccine may create a super strain virus plague�?, warns Dr. Mark Geier.
The well respected research team has already alerted members of the medical community in Washington, DC recommending that any support for the FLU MIST vaccine be withdrawn immediately and a restraining order be issued to the vaccine manufacturers. The immediate and present danger lies in the suspicion that FLU MIST contains the 2 exact genes that the avian flu is missing.
FluMist is a live cold-adapted trivalent nasally administered vaccine, which is currently being recommended for individuals between the age of 5 and 49 years. According to the 2005 Physicians Desk Reference (PDR), the probability of acquiring a transmitted vaccine virus following close contact with a single FluMist inoculee was estimated to be 2.4% (95% CI: 0.13-4.6) [31]. Because of the possible transmission of this vaccine's viruses, vaccine recipients are advised to avoid close contact with immuno-compromised individuals for at least 21 days. Additionally, persons with conditions such as human immunodeficiency virus infection, malignancy, leukaemia, or lymphoma, and patients who may be immunosuppressed or have altered or compromised immune status as a consequence of treatment with systemic corticosteroids, alkylating drugs, antimetabolites, radiation, or other immunosuppressive therapies, may be at significant risk if exposed within 21 days to a FluMist vaccine inoculee. Other individuals who might be at high risk if exposed within 21 days to FluMist inoculees, include, but are not limited to, adults and children with chronic disorders of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, including asthma; pregnant women; and adults and children who required regular medical follow-up or hospitalization during the preceding year because of chronic metabolic diseases (including diabetes), renal dysfunction, or hemoglobinopathies. Additionally, because FluMist contains live influenza viruses, there is the possibility with the widespread use of FluMist, that an individual might have a second concurrent viral infection (such as the avian bird flu) occur, with the possibility that the live viruses from the FluMist recombine/re-assort with the second viral infection to produce a "super virus.�?
It is obvious from the extensive list of persons who might be at risk if exposed to a FluMist vaccine recipient within 21 days of vaccination, along with potential ability of the live influenza viruses within FluMist to recombine/re-assort with other viruses, that the continued use of FluMist presents a significant potential danger to the health and well-being of a wide segment of the population. This raises major concerns about the wisdom and ethics of recommending the use of FluMist for use in the general population.
Posted by: Sepp on October 11, 2005 09:56 PM
Thank you so much for posting "Bird Flu', SARS - Biowarfare or a Pandemic of Propaganda?". I could find there a lot of my thoughts. I have NOT had a flu or serious cold for about 17 years. Bible is true not only in the spiritual matters but also in the physical ones: "My people are distroyed because of LACK OF KNOWLEDGE" God Bless!
Posted by: John Stoian on October 18, 2005 04:44 PM
corporate greed intertwined with jingoistic science equals another millenium bug scam.
Posted by: mike smith on October 19, 2005 11:26 AM
A letter from Paul G. King to Anthony Fauci at the National Institutes of Health and to Julie Gerberding, Deborah Tress and William Gimson at the Centers for Disease Control, about the US government's efforts to propose a vaccination scheme against the avian flu:
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005
To: "Julie Gerberding", anthony.fauci@, deborah.tress@, william.gimson@
From: "Paul G. King"
Subject: The 'Bird Flu' Boondoggle
Dr. Gerberding and Other Government Officials,
I was dismayed to read about another obviously ill-conceived "bird flu" vaccine program strikingly similar to the previous swine-flu vaccine program that killed dozens, gave thousands Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and otherwise injured tens of thousands of the "40 million" vaccinated before the program was stopped.
Are you really proposing another influenza vaccine program when you KNOW that the current Influenza Vaccines are NOT truly effective in preventing almost all of those vaccinated with them from getting the "flu."
Please tell me where, based on the numbers the CDC has reported, that I've got it wrong with scientifically sound data that can be independently evaluated for its validity or STOP this program UNLESS you are NOT concerned about potentially being responsible for another vaccine that may kill scores, severely damage thousands and harm hundreds of thousands and will, based on the ineffectiveness of the current influenza vaccines, truly protect less than half of those who are innoculated with it from, if exposed, getting the "bird" influenza -- if "somehow" it mutates or is mutated to be easily transmissible between humans.
Please consider the facts presented and get back to me as soon as you are able.
Dr. King
See Attachment: Influenza Virusses And Governmental Fear Mongering: The 'Avian Flu Scare' - A Re-packaged & Updated 'Swine Flu'!
Posted by: Sepp on October 19, 2005 07:47 PM
Here is an article that you may not have seen:
Friday, October 21, 2005 - FreeMarketNews.com
Elena Espinosa, the agriculture minister of Spain, has gone on record to puncture the bureaucratic-induced hysteria gripping many by calling the fear that bird flu would break out among humans "science fiction." The quote was picked up in a recent World Net Daily story, from an interview on the private radio station Cadena Ser. She called Avian Influenza "solely and exclusively a veterinary problem," and declared that the human infections discovered in Asia were "in very specific poultry raising situations where the families lived with the chickens and infection was due to constant inhalation."
The story noted that outbreaks of the H5N1 strain of bird flu have been confirmed in Romania and Turkey, with further tests in progress "on a suspect case in Greece," while the strain has killed 60 people in Asia over the past three years, certainly not a rate that would normally trigger a worldwide health crisis - or not if the European Union and the United Nations were not involved. Both are stupendous bureaucracies facing sizeable scandals and public resentment, and the ability to posture as saviors of humankind without having to accomplish the deed is irresistible.
One does not have to be close to the story to be aware that the breathlessly occurring headline "Flu kills three in Asia," refers to birds, not humans. And that "outbreaks of flu" also refer to birds, as do "mass graves," etc. When the costs are totaled, assuming a deadly plague does not ravage humankind, they will be found to total some US$500 million to $US1 billion collectively. To put it as simply as possible, these funds will have been collected by Big Pharma for useless vaccines that, once handed over to federal, state and local governments, will cost yet more to dispose of.
The United Nations, for the time being, will have benefited by managing to move the oil-for-food scandals to the back pages of the newspaper. The EU will have enjoyed a respite from pesky press pointing out that its officials are maneuvering regulations into place that the failed constitution would have granted them but didn't because it was not passed. President George W. Bush, faced with the indictments of some of his highest staffers, will have been the beneficiary of additional opportunities to speak out on the dangers of the flu, the applicability of the military to halting its advance, and the commitment of hundreds of millions more dollars the federal government does not have to purchasing useless avian flu vaccines. Bush may also benefit from continuing to mention that he read a book.
staff reports - Free-Market News Network
Posted by: Carolyn T on October 22, 2005 06:40 AM
Thousand of inocnet people had die beacuse of this nasty dieseas, no one know where it actualy comes from.
Posted by: Rives on October 24, 2005 05:22 PM
Avian influenza's "internal factor of selenium deficiency�?
and its epidemic prevention "strategy of treating cause�?
The spread of avian influenza all over the world can not be explained by the external factors. According to the dialectic, the internal factor is the base and the external is the condition and the external factor can act only through the internal factor. What is the internal factor of avian influenza? Study shows that the internal factor of avian influenza is the consumption of a lot of selenium �?the only element that has direct relation with viruses in the body of birds�?in the peak period (autumn, winter and spring) of egg laying, which causes the body unbalanced and susceptible to virus attack.
Let us see the fact that the selenium composition in eggs is very high, with goose egg containing 336 mg/kg, duck egg 307mg/kg, all reaching the selenium rich standard (280mg/kg). The selenium composition of hen's egg is 223 mg/kg, approaching selenium rich standard, and exceeding by far the composition of flour (47mg/kg), rise (70mg/kg) and beef (43mg/kg). It can be said that birds are providing high selenium nurture. However, the sources of selenium nurture of birds are not so good. Taking chicken as an example, a hen can lay eggs 15-18kg, and the egg/ forage ratio should be 2.6-2.8:1. If the selenium composition of egg can reach 233mg/kg, the selenium composition of forage should be 83mk/kg. (not including that consumed by chicken in their life and activity). But in some countries and regions deficient in selenium, it is difficult to reach the level (because the selenium in soil is provided to animals the plants, and if soil is lack of selenium, the food is of cause lack of selenium.). In the state of income falling short of expenditure, e.g. high production of egg and low intake of selenium, the organism of body will lose its balance, and besides, as selenium is an important element needed by immune system, the extreme lack of selenium will increase the possibility of being infected with avian influenza. This can be analyzed from macroscopic and microscopic view.
1. As seen from macroscopic view, the spread of avian influenza over the world is related to selenium deficiency
Fact: over 40 countries and regions are lack of selenium, including Europe, USA, Canada, Asia and Southeast Asia and among them, China is seriously deficient in selenium.
Having opened the selenium distribution map of China, you can see a large selenium deficiency band running from the Northeast to the Southwest composed of 45 parts of provinces and municipalities. In addition, part areas of Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong, Ningxia, Gansu and Xinjiang are also short of selenium. There is only 1/3 of the territory of our country that can reach the normal critical value of 0.1mg/kg published internationally in terms of selenium composition and the rest 2/3 belongs to selenium deficiency area, among which, the area, serious lack of selenium, with selenium composition "¤0.02mg/kg accounts for 29% .
As bird's forage is inexpensive, the materials of forage are usually taken from local resources, and the selenium in the
food chain decides the selenium intake of local birds. Serious lack of selenium and high production of egg make hens lose
their internal balance and cause serious decline of resistance to them. The break-out and spread of avian influenza have
happened just in these areas, and each time, it can be confirmed on the selenium distribution map of china. (See Fig. 1)
Fig. 1
Ass seen from the history of avian influenza, the avian influenza was broken out in Italy, a selenium deficiency country in Europe, followed by Spain, Russia and Holland, which are also lack of selenium. The earliest, largest and most wide 5 times of avian influenza are all broken out in selenium deficiency areas, and the areas where avian influenza happens in 2005 are also short of selenium (See Fig 2).
Fig 2
The United States of America and Canada have also conducted survey on the selenium contents of their soil, and it can be seen from the North America selenium distribution map that the epidemic situation of avian influenza in 2005 is also corresponded to the areas of selenium deficiency ( see Fig.3). As reported, the Southeast Asia is also recognized as selenium deficiency area. However, its selenium distribution map can not be drawn here because detailed selenium composition survey is not available.
It happens that there was a similar case of large scale occurrence of disease caused to human being by lack of selenium. It was the keshan disease, an epidemic disease caused by the lack of selenium in the early days of the foundation of our country. Its was manifested as cough, oppressed feeling in chest, breathe hard, generalized hydrops, lung hydrops, heart failure and finally led to death. Researchers found Coxsackie's viruses in the heart of the dead, and why such a kind of benign virus had become malign virus? Further research showed that it was because of selenium deficiency. Primer made a prompt decision to supplement selenium for 9,000,000 people in 310 area of over 10 provinces, and the disease was controlled. This was a miracle in the world. When avian influenza viruses attack once again, we should pay attention to the macroscopic relation between the disease and selenium deficiency.
2. The relation between selenium and avian influenza viruses as seen from microscopic view
As seen from microscopic view, avian influenza virus is bacilliform or spherical in shape. The spherical virus has a diameter of 80-120mm and cyst membranes and the hemagglutinin of the outer cyst membrane is labeled with "H�?, and according to different antigen of protein, is marked with "H1-H5�?, while its neuramidinase is labeled with "N�?, or "NB1-N9�? according to different protein antigen, among which, H5N1is a highly pathogenic virus. What is the relationship between virus and selenium? It can be described directly and indirectly.
2.1 Direct relation between selenium and virus
The delicate relation between selenium and virus is decided by the characteristics of selenium. Selenium is either a beneficial element essential to the reproduction of living beings or a harmful element with toxicity, and the threshold between the two is very narrow.
The highest composition of selenium is in the semen and ovum
of animals (because each semen contains selenium and each
time hundred million semen are discharged, in the period of peak sexual activity in the age between 20 to 40 for human being and the peak egg production for birds, the consumption of selenium is the highest, leading to serious shortage of selenium in the body). This is designed in breeding instruction of gene. As the main task of gene is to reproduce, the gene keeps most selenium in the spermaduct or Fallopian tube to be used for reproduction. Likewise, birds also store selenium in their eggs according to gene instruction to meet requirement for reproduction. This is why the composition of selenium in eggs is the highest.
The reproduction of viruses also needs selenium (and much more is needed because of large number of viruses). The selenium needed by a single virus is very little, and if enough selenium is available in the organism of animals, the virus that enters the body will die because of overdose (toxicosis) of nutrition (selenium), equal to poison itself. This is a typical form of "combat poison with poison�?, and also a defense module of "with true Qi reserved, no disease will happen�?. On the contrary, when selenium is lacking in the body, it is the best period for viruses to invade the body, because they can get adequate dosage of selenium. In addition, the mutation of viruses always happens in a selenium environment that is most suitable to the reproduction of viruses.
Experiment shows that enough micromolecule selenium compounds can restrain HIV outside of the organism and inorganic selenium compound can restrain cow leucovirus outside of the organism. Therefore, Chen Junshi, a nutritionist in our country has pointed out that "Selenium is the only nutritional element that has direct relation with viral infection�?.
2.2 Indirect relation between selenium and viruses
Recently, there are a lot of reports about the indirect role of selenium on viruses, and the most outstanding is that supplement of selenium can increase the number and activity of NK cell (natural killing cell). NK cell, as the most primitive and most instinctive immune and killing cell, is another type of T cell, and has a strong immune and killing capacity to all microorganism (including all kinds of viruses) and variant cells. Experiment shows that the killing capacity of NK cell is 6-20 times that of other immune cells. People of biological circle are all thirst for the appearance of new products that can increase NK cells. The result achieved by us in application of selenium rich nano-tea is the increase of NK cell number by 20-100%, especially selenium rich nano-white tea. The method is also effective to increase the NK cells, manifesting that the activity of NK cells has close relation with selenium nutrition.
Other indirect roles of selenium on the virus are mainly to increase the immune capacity and strengthen the defense capacity of birds against viruses. Supplementing selenium to birds can significantly increase multinuclear leucocyte's phagocytic per cent and index of bacteria, the number of leucocytes, lymphocytes and neutrophil cells
in the blood and the formation rate of E-rose wreath. All these are the indirect role of selenium in increasing the immune function and anti-virus capacity of birds, and are of the same significance. For example, in Qidong county Jiangsu Province, a high outbreak area of hepatitis B and liver cancer, the incidence of the two diseases has significantly reduced through large-scale selenium supplement experiment.
3. Nano-tech is the key factor in conquering avian influenza
Now that it needs so much selenium in defense against viruses, why it is unable o propagate selenium supplementation?
This is also influenced by the characteristics of selenium. Because the safe application range of selenium is very narrow and its dosage is very small, it is very likely to use excessively if not stirred evenly. In order to solve this problem, our country has first invented nano-selenium, the most significant advantage of which is lower in toxicity and higher in safety compared with other selenium compounds. This is doubtless very important for the popularization of selenium sup0lement.
The acute toxicity of nano-selenium is decreased 7 times that of inorganic selenium and 3 times that of organic selenium. This is a large range of reduction because the gap between the normal selenium composition and selenium deficiency in animals usually doesn't exceed one time. The error of fodder stirring usually doesn't exceed 2 times, and so the 3-7 times reduction of toxicity of nano-selenium will bring about a safety guarantee for selenium supplementation.
After preparation, nano-selenium takes a hollow structure and has the effect of adsorbing and killing viruses and so called a trap for viruses. It is preferable to prepare the selenium into 30-130nm, which is equal to the size of viruses.
Now 3 methods are available for the industrialized preparation of nano-selenium:
Zero valence metal nano-selenium is prepared through reduction and modification of selenium, such as "Xiwang�? produced by Shanghai Sitong Nano.
Another method is to reduce inorganic selenium added with vitamin-C to nano-selenium, which is very simple in operation.
The third is the organic selenium nano-products, which is prepared by crushing selenium rich plants into nano-powder and can be entirely absorbed. Now the conditions for industrialized production of selenium rich nano-tea products are available in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province.
In Enshi of hubei Province, Ziyang of Shanxi province, Fenggang of Guizhou Province and east Chongqing, the selenium soil is the richest in China, and even in the world, The selenium in soil can be converted through plants into organic selenium, which can be used. The tea and other plants growing there contain a lot of selenium, especially in the winter. They can be cut off, crushed and added into fodder, both safe and effective, with a cost only several Jiao a kilogram. And thus, the problem of high cost in adding organic selenium into fodder can be solved.
The dosage of traditional selenium and nano-selenium added into fodder of birds (calculated as per actual composition of selenium) is 0.2mg/kg-0.4mg/kg in growing period, 0.5mg/kg in egg laying period and 0.8mg/kg in anti-infection period respectively. It can be seen that the selenium needed to increase immune function is much more than that required in growing and egg laying period for birds.
As for the method of addition, the selenium preparation should first be crushed and added into pre-mixed materials, and then after stirred, added in proportion into daily fodder. The fodder can be given only after stirred even.
4. "Strategy of treating cause�? in the scientific treatment of avian influenza
4.1 Human being have paid high price each time when extorting excessively, such as the destroy of selenium ecological environment by a lot of sulfur dioxide because of acid rain generated by industrial pollution; the outbreak of "Atypia�? caused by greedily eating game; the excessively retorting from birds (plus over 10 methods inclusive of increasing illumination time to increase egg output by 3.4 times from 7.95 million tons in 1990 to 27 million tons in 2004 in our country), making birds lose their selenium environmental imbalance and finally leading to the outbreak of avian influenza. This situation has also endangered human being, and we have to employ a tremendous amount of manpower and material resources to catch and kill a lot of birds. Up to now, about 140 million birds have been killed, resulting in a direct loss of over 3000US dollars. If human avian influenza breaks out, the cost is estimated to be 800 billion.
China is a large selenium deficiency country, The selenium supplement in such a large scope can become a political behavior only based on a macroscopic study. For example, the present selenium distribution map was drawn in 1980. Now, 25 years have passed, and our country has witnessed high-speed development, with the selenium level in food chain having been greatly influenced by the serious industrial pollution and large amount of discharge of sulfur dioxide. This situation will make the selenium composition and utilization decline greatly. For example, the intake of selenium of English has declined a half in 20 years and now also becomes a selenium deficiency country.
Our country was originally short of selenium, and with tremendous social changes for 25 years, selenium has been greatly expended. Now we should ascertain our resources and prepare a new selenium distribution map of our country.
4.2 We should adhere to the principle of treating both the principal and secondary aspects of the disease.. On the one hand, we should treat the principal aspect by supplementing selenium to the people and birds urgently needing supplement, and on the other hand, we should dramatically change the selenium composition of soil by adopting selenium rich fertilizer, let plants absorb and convert much more organic selenium and increase the selenium contents in food for human and birds to a higher level and up to the standard of supplementing 200mg selenium daily each person as proposed by Who.
A survey over 13 province and cities shows that the average intake of selenium each adult on our country is 26-32mg/day, equivalent only to a half of 50mg/day proposed by WHO. It can be thought, therefore, the intake of birds in our country is also very low.
Of course, it will be futile to apply selenium fertilizer if the discharge of sulfur dioxide is not effectively controlled, because it will make the fertilizer unable to be absorbed by plants. Therefore, it is of great importance to control and reduce industrial pollution.
Finland has been successful in this aspect, This country was in serious short of selenium, and when it was found that its incidence and mortality of heart disease were significantly higher than high selenium countries and regions, the country promulgated a law to add selenium to the soil that produce crop, fodder and grass and has made the intake of selenium each Finn increased up to 90mg a day.
In the Chinese history, Primer Zhou led us create a miracle in the world in conquering kesha virus through supplementation of selenium. Now we have the capability to meet the threat from avian influenza. We should adhere to the principle of treating both the principal cause and secondary aspects of the disease and take legal action in selenium supplementation to increase our internal force and make avian influenza and other quick-variation viruses unable to prevail in our country, and finally create another miracle in the world.
For details,see our website www.369.com.cn
Posted by: qushaozhong on December 20, 2005 09:34 AM
There is one thing bothering in all this. You can use the fear and "reality" of a biological pandemic to target select populations with chemical weapons that actually do the damage and mimic symptoms. Those outside target populations are spared, when they get vaccines that don't do anything . Those that didn't get "enogh vaccine" die. usually poor people of color. probably just paranoid. The "stte of the art " is just so well developed now. never should have let it get this far.
Posted by: neal perrochet on December 22, 2005 02:12 AM
Large Bird Flu specific news sections (note: bird-flu section is SEVERAL PAGES)
Sepp's comment: This is an automated collection of articles about the bird flu. Catches news reports and much of the official view...
Posted by: J on January 17, 2006 01:38 AM
Thank you a hundred times for this info. I'm intending to send it to every media outfit in the UK.
Posted by: Andy on March 14, 2006 07:29 PM
Does anyone know anything about the (Tdap) vaccine? (the adult form of tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis) It is expected that medical staff who work with children less than 1 yr old will have to take the vaccine first...then as more supply comes available I presume it will go to the rest of the hospital/health workers. Will a religious/philosophical exemption be allowed for a health professional who doesn't want to be injected???
Posted by: C on May 29, 2006 11:25 PM
You should injest only food grade hydrogen peroxide. In pure 25 form it will bleach your hand so avoid handing; add 1-2drops to a glass of water. You can work your way up to more drops it is vary horrible tasting. There is other oxygen product that is equivalent to 25 food grade H2o2 & great tasting.
Posted by: Dave on April 6, 2009 12:51 AM

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