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January 02, 2006

Will 2006 Bring Free Energy Breakthrough?

We have been somewhat thoughtless in our choice of energy technologies in the past, perhaps sidetracked by commercial interests vested in the exploitation, transformation and sale of oil. Not that there weren't any other choices we could have made years ago.

We probably would not have wars to control the oil and to preserve the petrodollar, if these choices had been made in time. Now, climate change and oil prices are forcing change. The advocates of "free energy" are finding they have an audience - finally.


Image credit: caramba4u

In a year-end report on developments at the new-energy technologies frontier, Sterling D. Allan of Pure Energy Systems has pulled together the major developments in the budding field of alternative energy generation in a report of 2005 with projections for 2006...

- - -

According to the report, the year 2005 saw large wind power installments come into a price range where they are now competitive with traditional grid prices. 2006 could see several solar designs do the same.

The report also notes that Cold fusion was boosted with two, concurrent and independent sonofusion breakthroughs, though the stigma in the name is still deeply seated.

Projections for 2006 include the arrival on the commercial scene of floating wind turbines -- buoyed up in the water like oil rigs, or elevated high in the air, courtesy of helium. Also, 2006 is likely to see at least three companies offering after-market kits for adding Brown's gas (H and O from electrolysis, common ducted) to the air intake of vehicles for enhanced mileage and performance. Many other fuel economizing systems are slated to mature in the marketplace.

The report also predicts that evidence of climate change will likely continue to mount, adding urgency to the search for solutions. And while it will yet be years before we harness lightning, stable tornado systems prototypes that tap waste heat from power plants could arrive this coming year.

Will 2006 be the year that clean energy becomes more the vogue than cool computer gadgets?

See the full report with references

There is also a listing of 2005 energy news to bring you up to date on what is happening.

Oh yes, Slashdot has picked up the story, and there is a lively discussion you can join here.


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Monday January 2 2006

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Readers' Comments

I'm already working on the creation of powerful Quantum Free Energy generator (from artificially created ball lightning). No more fossil fuels, no more renewable or nuclear energy will be needed. QFE is unlimited, safe, and inexpensive energy source with multiple practical applications.
Sincerely yours,
DEr. Kiril Chukanov

Posted by: Kiril Chukanov on March 28, 2006 12:20 AM


I congradulate all of you who have participated in putting this informative alternative energy site together, your topics are quite interesting, none the less you might want to look into the following website for more information about what could be possible in the future at

Posted by: David Marsano on March 28, 2006 02:05 AM


Recovered comment (some of them got swallowed by the system)...

Dear colegues,
I'm working now on the creation of four 1 MW quantum free energy generators for commercialization. I hope to finish them by the end of 2006 or at the beginning of 2007. Don't believe people like Robert L. Park (American Physical Society)- Quantum Free Energy is real and works!!!
Be tuned on
I will post there some pictures and movies about these generators.
Thank you, friends, for your moral support.
Dr. Kiril Chukanov

Posted by: Dr. Kiril Chukanov on October 6, 2006 05:58 AM


"I have no doubt that we will be successful in harnessing the sun's energy...
If sunbeams were weapons of war, we would have had solar energy centuries ago."

- Sir George Porter

Posted by: A Fullbright on June 17, 2009 05:23 PM


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