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June 23, 2006

Will Nature, Science Allow Aids Discussion?

Darin Brown, initiator of the Aids Wiki is asking a very interesting question: Why is it that scientific media refuse to allow discussion of the different scientific views that exist on the etiology and the best treatment modes of Aids? In the article, titled Who Are the Real AIDS Denialists? – Testing the 'Moore Assertion' Brown cites Prof. John P. Moore, self-appointed "Major General in the War on AIDS" and spokesperson for "The Scientific Community." Moore recently appeared on the Wiki only to refuse any public debate with the words:

"Participating in any public forum with the likes of Bialy would give him a credibility that he does not merit. The science community does not ‘debate’ with the AIDS denialists, it treats them with the utter contempt that they deserve and exposes them for the charlatans that they are. Kindly do not send me any further communications on this or any related matter."


Institute of Science in Society: Unraveling AIDS

Please go to Lew Rockwell's site to read the whole article where, in the end, Brown asks readers to do an experiment: write to the editors of Science and Nature to ask them to relent and allow discussion of the obscure points in the Aids story.

Although Brown jokingly presents the "Brown/Bialy Conjecture", arguing that

"No matter how many emails are received by the editors of Science and Nature in support of the above experiment to test the ‘Moore Assertion,’ they will never allow such an experiment to take place",

I encourage you to do as I did and try wake them up out of their deep slumber. Here is the letter I wrote...

- - -

Dear Drs Kennedy and Campbell,

with reference to a recent article on the site of Lew Rockwell

Who Are the Real AIDS Denialists? – Testing the 'Moore Assertion'

I would like to encourage your journals to relent on the long-time block on discussing controversal issues around the HIV virus, the tests performed on people to tell them they have "Aids" and the optimal remedies for the condition of acquired immune deficiency.

There is much that has not been said in this debate, and the assertion that "there is nothing to debate" made by Prof. John P. Moore, is highly unscientific. It sounds rather dogmatic and circular in its reasoning, when Moore says

"Participating in any public forum with the likes of Bialy would give him a credibility that he does not merit. The science community does not ‘debate’ with the AIDS denialists, it treats them with the utter contempt that they deserve and exposes them for the charlatans that they are. Kindly do not send me any further communications on this or any related matter."

For now, the debate takes place on internet discussion groups, blogs, a wiki and just "normal" sites with the scientific press refusing to get involved.

I propose that you ignore the question at your own peril. Your magazines will slide futher down the slope towards irrelevance, if discussion of AIDS etiology and mechanisms of the virus or other causes for immune weakness, as well as optimal treatment strategies, including the use of nutritional elements is continually blocked by the attitude shown by Moore and others, and evidently endorsed by your publications.

Please consider bringing that debate into the public and especially into the scientific mind, lest we spend another 25 years without a cure and indeed without a clue as to what is really happening with this "epidemic".

If you would like to see a selection of the views that are held by different people, and of the nutritional approaches that have shown promise in fighting the scourge, just visit my site

You will find several links to a wide variety of articles. Unfortunately these highly interesting and diverse views have no other forum than the web. You could help in bringing these views to the attention of scientists, sparking a healthy debate.

Kind regards
Sepp Hasslberger

See also:

Darin Brown's Aids Wiki (Scroll down the page for stuff on Aids)


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Friday June 23 2006
updated on Wednesday December 8 2010

URL of this article:


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