Health Supreme by Sepp Hasslberger

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August 06, 2006

Health Supreme Daily NewsGrabs - 7 August 2006

Health Supreme's Daily News Grabs - alternative health news and other bytes of information ...

The Molecular Holocaust Of Aspartame

As an International Civil Aviation Examiner, I have seen pilots who have been advised in the USAF and commercial airlines not to drink aspartame for the dangers of seizures or blackouts with fatal loss of control of their aircraft. How can a brain function with these addictive poisons flowing through their neurons?

Drug companies sued in overpricing case

Adding to a slew of similar law suits in other states, South Carolina's State Attorney General Henry McMaster filed suit against five drug companies: Abbott Laboratories Inc., Baxter International Inc., Dey LP, Boehringer Ingelheim Roxane Inc. and Schering-Plough Corp.

Drugs sold to medicare and similar state and federal programs apparently are much more expensive than those sold on the open market, adding up to millions of dollars of fraudulent overcharging.

Pepsi and Coke banned in some Indian cities

Rajastan and Punjab are banning Coke and Pepsi over a controversy over contamination issues affecting the carbonated drinks.

Food and drinks multinationals are running afoul of their cousins, the agrochemical companies, whose pesticides make the water practically undrinkable...

TeenScreen - Normal Kids Labeled Mentally Ill

The list of mental disorders to chose from when diagnosing children mentally ill with TeenScreen, are "voted" into the Billing Bible by members of the American Psychiatric Association, and include, among others, conduct disorder, avoidant personality disorder, mathematics disorder, reading disorder, disorder of written expression, general anxiety disorder, nightmare disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and factious disorder.

"This is junk science at it's worst," says Dr Jan Johnson, MD, "follow the money, the trail leads right back to the drug companies."

California's Monsanto Law Moves Forward, Could Face August Vote

The California legislature is considering a bill that would prevent cities and counties from passing any local regulation on seeds, including a prohibition of GE crops. The bill - SB 1056 - passed the agriculture committee with flying colors.

Lead Paint Liability Could Dismantle Petrochemical Cartel

Lead paint is a "continuing public nuisance", says a Rhode Island jury. Liability does not expire - no statute of limitations. Defendants can be held responsible even though the product was legal when sold.

“Who is next in the line of fire? The alcohol industry? The pharmaceutical industry? Fast food? Health-care providers? Soft-drink companies? Auto makers? The list is endless. Four pharmaceutical makers -- Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Inc., Merck & Company, Inc., and Bristol-Myers Squibb Company -- were concerned enough to file an amicus brief in New Jersey on behalf of paint makers.”

Lipitor: 17 Personal Injury Lawsuits filed Against Pfizer

Plaintiffs from 7 states filed suits in New York alleging Pfizer failed to adequately warn physicians and patients about serious health risks tied to Lipitor; claimants include a professional airline pilot, a former professional soccer player, and the widow of a former U.S. Congressman. The Lipitor effects: peripheral neuropathy, memory loss and other cognitive impairment...

Missing from the list are excruciating pains many of my own readers report in comments on two articles: Lipitor: Side Effects And Natural Remedy and Lipitor - The Human Cost

- - -


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Sunday August 6 2006
updated on Monday December 6 2010

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