Health Supreme by Sepp Hasslberger

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June 10, 2008

Most Diseases Caused by Medical System?

Medical treatments, pharmaceutical drugs and decisions based on wrong information are responsible for causing an epidemic of disease throughout the western world.

This is how Nexus Magazine introduces an article by Walter Last, a biochemist and research chemist who worked at several German universities and at Bio-Science Laboratories in Los Angeles. Last analyzes some of the glaring inconsistencies which a unique combination of pharmaceutical funding and a business approach to disease have produced in western medicine.



The article as published by Nexus is available on Walter Last's website and I suggest you take the time to read the original with citation of the documents it is based on. You can find it here:

Some relevant excerpts:

The Antibiotic Syndrome

Candidiasis is not the only side-effect of antibiotic treatment, and antibiotics are not the only drugs that cause such problems. Drugs used in chemotherapy, anti-inflammatory steroidal drugs and other long-term drug therapies tend to kill or suppress the natural intestinal bacteria, and yeast, parasites and harmful bacteria start taking over. This is then called dysbiosis. Most patients receive such drugs in hospitals and can be expected to develop systemic Candida overgrowth as a result.

Our natural intestinal flora, mainly based on lactobacteria, not only helps to digest and absorb food, it also protects us against ingested harmful bacteria that otherwise may cause food poisoning. With a healthy intestinal flora millions of salmonella bacteria may be needed to cause an infection but with dysbiosis only tens of salmonella would be required.

Autoimmune Diseases and Asthma

Antibiotics are also a major contributing cause of asthma. Children who received broad-spectrum antibiotics were about 9 times more likely to suffer from asthma.

- - -

Cancer and Leukemia

Chemotherapy commonly leads to systemic Candida infections, which greatly limit the success rate of the treatment. Long-term follow-up studies show that children develop 18 times more secondary malignant tumors later in life, girls face a 75 times higher risk of breast cancer by the time they are 40, while the risk of developing leukemia after chemotherapy for ovarian cancer increased 21-fold. Also other tumors commonly develop after treating malignancies with chemotherapy. A main problem appears to be the development of deep or systemic Candida infections shortly after starting chemotherapy.

Root Canals

Root-canal filled teeth are a variation of the theme of intestinal dysbiosis. They, too, appear to be a major contributing factor in many health problems, not only cancer but also heart disease, arthritis, kidney disease and auto-immune diseases. This is due to microbes that multiply in the multitude of tiny canals or tubules in the dentine and gradually leach out into the lymph system. Even normally harmless microbes become very dangerous and more virulent and toxic under the anaerobic conditions in dead teeth.

Iatrogenic Heart Attacks

One hundred years ago heart attacks were almost unknown despite diets generally being high in saturated fats. The ascent of heart attacks began with the pasteurization of milk and the use of chlorine to kill bacteria in public water supplies. This began around 1900 and was generally accepted in Western countries in the 1920's. From 1920 onwards the explosive increase in the incidence of cardiovascular disease and fatal heart attacks began, but only in countries that chlorinated their water supplies. These diseases remained unknown, for instance, in Africa, China, Japan, and other parts of ASIA.


Health authorities and medical associations have campaigned strongly to avoid sun exposure of the skin. Presumably this causes skin cancer, including melanoma that can kill. However, the vast majority is normal skin cancer that almost never kills, and there is widespread doubt that melanomas are really caused by normal sun exposure, although there seems to be a link with sunburn. Generally outdoor workers with the most sun exposure had the lowest rates of skin cancer and melanoma, while melanomas often show up in office workers.

Now more and more research papers show that a vast number of diseases, and especially cancer, could be avoided by greatly increasing our levels of vitamin D with suitable foods, supplements, and frequent or daily short sun exposure of the skin. Sunlight is our main source of vitamin D.


A curios aspect of vaccine safety statistics was highlighted by Dr Archie Kalokerinos. Working in the remote Australian outback with Aboriginals he found that every second child died as a result of vaccinations. Because deaths commonly occurred about 3 weeks later, they were not recorded as vaccine-related; officially reactions were limited to occur only for up to 2 weeks after vaccination. However, eventually Dr Kalokerinos solved the problem by giving babies high doses of vitamin C before vaccinations, and no more vaccination deaths occurred. Also SIDS disappeared.

Bias Against Natural Therapies

One of the methods increasingly used to denigrate natural therapies is for the pharmaceutical industry to finance shoddy research on natural remedies and then proclaim them to be ineffective or harmful. This is only partly intended to influence the general public but mainly to provide the justification for health authorities to outlaw and greatly restrict natural remedies.

Another strategy is not to list favorable vitamin studies in the MEDLINE database. This is taxpayer-funded and operated by the US National Library of Medicine. It lists all articles by medical research journals, including Time magazine and Readers' Digest, but not the peer-reviewed Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine ( which specializes in vitamin research.

In concluson, Last suggests a four point program for reversing the deadly trend of western medicine:

1. Phase out public assistance for pharmaceutical companies and their research, and require research to show that a drug is safe with long-term use in combination with other common drugs and chemicals and with old or fragile patients, or alternatively that it is superior in the long-term to available natural treatments

2. Make it illegal for pharmaceutical companies to fund medical education or provide drug information, marketing or incentives directly to the public or to medical practitioners, or to employ former health officials. Information to medical practitioners should be provided by an independent and impartial body

3. Except for unethical conduct according to general society standards, make it illegal for medical associations to restrict the therapies used by their members

4. Afford qualified practitioners of natural medicine the same recognition and opportunities as those of drug medicine, including in hospitals, rehabilitation, research and publications, health departments and regulating authorities

The full article is here:

About the author:

Walter Last worked as a biochemist and research chemist in the medical departments of several German universities and at Bio-Science Laboratories in Los Angeles, USA. Later he worked as a nutritionist and natural therapist in New Zealand and in Australia, where he is now based. He no longer has a clinic.

Walter Last has written numerous health-related journal articles as well as several books, including Heal Yourself and Healing Foods (Penguin). Presently in print are The Natural Way to Heal and the Heal Yourself series - seven small books about overcoming specific diseases such as arthritis, asthma, cancer, candida, diabetes and weight problems.


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Tuesday June 10 2008
updated on Friday November 19 2010

URL of this article:





Readers' Comments

Caro Sepp,
posso confermare quanto scritto sugli antibiotici. Mio figlio è stato intosssicato da neonato (7mesi)e ricoverato i ospedale per 10 giorni dove ha sviluppato orticaria ed asma. L'antibiotico killer è il PANACEF dove tra l'altro nelle avvertenze c'è scritto:
Uso pediatrico - L'efficacia e la tollerabilità nei bambini non è stata ben stabilita.

(Translation for my other readers):
Dear Sepp,
I can confirm what is written about antibiotics. My son was intoxicated as a baby (7 months) and was in hospital for 10 days where he developed a rash and asthma.
The killer antibiotic is called PANACEF, which bears the following information: Pediatric use - efficacy and tolerability in children have not been well established.

Posted by: Stefy on June 25, 2008 08:51 AM


in italiano esistono dei libri sul cancro?

Posted by: anna on September 27, 2013 05:09 AM


Esistono si, qui è una lista di quelli disponibili da macrolibrarsi...

Posted by: Sepp on September 28, 2013 05:40 PM


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