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March 01, 2009

Arsenic and Vitamin A heal Leukemia - NewsGrabs 1 March 2009

In this universe of matter, energy, space and time, the only thing that remains constant is change. So change it's also going to be for my newsgrabs. I am thinking of publishing more often but less regularly. Instead of every Sunday as I have been doing for some time now, I will be posting whenever I feel I have a sufficient number of stories and news ... we'll see how this works out.

Leukemia patients treated with arsenic, vitamin A
HONG KONG - Doctors appear to have safely and successfully treated patients with cancer of the blood and bone marrow with a combination of arsenic and vitamin A, according to a long-term study in China.

In an article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the doctors said they prescribed the regimen to 85 patients and monitored them for an average of 70 months.

Of these, 80 patients went into complete remission and the researchers did not find any associated long-term problems in their heart or lungs and there was no development of secondary cancers.

I can't help but think of the anti-cancer properties of apricot kernels and apple seeds. Of course in that case, the FDA comes after you if you sell them, as happened to champion arm wrestler Jason Vale who was railroaded and sent to prison for advocating the use of apricot kernels while medicine is losing its "war on cancer".

Want to live longer? You need this nutrient
Low levels of omega-3 fats linked to cancer, asthma and other diseases
Recent diet trends, from Atkins to South Beach, have put the emphasis on upping our intake of protein or cutting out carbohydrates. Meanwhile, cholesterol, saturated fats, and trans fats have been stigmatized, leading to the belief that waging a total war on fat is the best way to get a slimmer waistline and a longer life. But fats are as crucial to a healthy body as protein is; they end up holstered into the heart, protecting organs, and building the cells of the brain, an organ that is itself 60 percent fat. The key to good health lies not in ruthlessly striking fat from our diets, but in eating the best possible fats for our bodies. And a growing chorus of nutritionists agrees that those fats are omega-3s.

USA: Sign the Health Revolution Petition
Collecting signatures to present to politicians ... "We, the People of these United States of America, hereby call for revolutionary changes in our health care system that encourage health and prosperity instead of disease and corporate profit..."

If you live in the US, check out this petition and give your support ... if you think we need to change the way we encourage people to be healthy.

UK: Southampton fluoridates water over resistance of citizens
It is the first time a health trust in England, rather than water companies, has been allowed to introduce fluoridation under new laws.

The idea has proved controversial with 72% of 10,000 respondents in a public consultation opposing the plan.

ANH comment: UK Public health authority demonstrates lack of democracy in fluoridation decision

Monsanto's Bt Cotton Kills the Soil as Well as Farmers
A recent scientific study carried out by Navdanya, compared the soil of fields where Bt-cotton had been planted for 3 years with adjoining fields with non GMO cotton or other crops. The region covered included Nagpur, Amravati and Wardha of Vidharbha which accounts for highest GMO cotton planting in India, and the highest rate of farmers suicides (4000 per year).

In 3 years, Bt-cotton has reduced the population of Actinomycetes by 17%. Actinomycetes are vital for breaking down cellulose and creating humus. Bacteria were reduced by 14%. The total microbial biomass was reduced by 8.9%.

Schmeiser: GMOs destroy biodiversity
Percy Schmeiser commented: "I've been in Italy before and I've seen the great diversity and varieties of food and fruit and agricultural products that there is in the Country and I hate to see that all these may be destroyed by contamination. GMOs would even destroy the organic farming. If you introduce GMO crops it would no longer be possible to have organic farmers, and this I think is a big concern the agricultural sector must consider".

GM crop secrecy - EU Court says No
The court in Luxembourg ruled on Tuesday that "information relating to the location of the release can in no case be kept confidential".

It said "considerations relating to the protection of public order and other secrets protected by law... cannot constitute reasons capable of restricting access to the information listed by the [EU] directive, including in particular those relating to the location of release".

Environment Ministers to Tackle Mercury Pollution
More than 140 nations agreed to negotiate a legally binding global treaty to phase out the use of deadly mercury, a toxic heavy metal that threatens the health of hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

Good to know that the environment will be protected against our spreading the deadly poison around. What I don't understand is how we justify dentists in most countries in the world continuing to put an "amalgam" mixture composed of 50% mercury and then some other metals into our teeth. Talk about rampant medical insanity...

Help ban aspartame in the US

Aspartame is one of the worst toxins in our food supply. Yet it has been on the market for over 20 years, protected by the FDA which is fronting for the multinationals. It's time to take the stuff off the market. Anyway, both Coke and Pepsi already have their new stevia-based sweeteners ready, after having opposed stevia for the last two decades...

The fool on the hill
The Lancet, a widely-respected international medical journal, published an essay sharply critical of the psychiatric industry that reviews two books: "The Myth of the Chemical Cure: A Critique of Psychiatric Drug Treatment" by Joanna Moncrieff and "Side Effects: a Prosecutor, a Whistleblower, and a Bestselling Antidepressant on Trial" by Alison Bass.

"The spinning chair. Bloodletting (copious). Removal of possibly infected viscera. Extraction of teeth. Electric shock. Forcible restraint, for days or weeks. Wrapping in cold blankets. Brain damage. Repeated coma. Back-breaking convulsions. Slicing through the brain with an ice pick. Sterilisation. Female genital mutilation.

Since the Enlightenment, all the above have been used to treat the “mad”. Even the most grotesque treatments have often been introduced as humane alternatives to existing options..."

Evidence based medicine?
The phrase evidence-based medicine is often used to point out how much more reliable "modern" medicine is than any alternatives or natural methods of prevention and cure. However it turns out that what is preached isn't practiced.

In his article Clinical Practice Guidelines Draw Fire, Merrill Goozner points out that in heart disease, leading cause of death and number one health issue, the evidence is often conspicuously absent.

Lexapro, Celexa For Kids Scandal Widens, Harvard Prof. Helped Promote Off-Label Use
From 1999 through 2006, one pediatric specialist, Dr. Jeffrey Bostic, Medical Director of the Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Project at Massachusetts General Hospital, gave more than 350 Forest-sponsored talks and presentations, many of which addressed pediatric use of Celexa and Lexapro....Dr. Bostic became Forest's star spokesman in the promotion of Celexa and Lexapro for pediatric use. As one sales representative wrote, 'Dr. Bostic is the man when it comes to child psych!' Between 2000 and 2006, Forest paid Dr. Bostic over $750,000 in honoraria for his presentations on Celexa and Lexapro."

Lilly Says Jump, FDA Says How High--More on "Intellectual Bias"
The drug plasugrel, an anti-clotting drug supposedly of value in heart attack and stroke, is currently under review by an FDA scientific advisory committee. Dr. Sanjay Kaul, of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, had been invited to be a member of the advisory committee, but he was then asked by FDA staff not to make the trip to Bethesda. It was then revealed that Eli Lilly, the drug's manufacturer, had contacted the FDA just before the decision was made, to protest Dr. Kaul's earlier skeptical publications about the drug and his purported "intellectual bias."

HIV - What are you doing to stay healthy?
(from RTB - Reduce the Burden)
RTB wants to know: What are you doing to stay healthy?

Drugs, micronutrients, clean-living, excercise, prayer, socialization, meditation, sex, yoga, writing, talking, reading, walking, thinking, fighting?

Animal vaccines - The Science of Vaccine Damage
"The vaccinated, but not the non-vaccinated, dogs in the Purdue studies developed autoantibodies to many of their own biochemicals, including fibronectin, laminin, DNA, albumin, cytochrome C, cardiolipin and collagen."

"Meanwhile, the study dogs were found good homes, but no long-term follow-up has been conducted. At around the same time, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Vaccine-Associated Feline Sarcoma Task Force initiated several studies to find out why 160,000 cats each year in the USA develop terminal cancer at their vaccine injection sites."

"It is also widely acknowledged that vaccines can cause a fast-acting, usually fatal, disease called autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA). Without treatment, and frequently with treatment, individuals can die in agony within a matter of days."

"However, no one warns the pet owners before their animals are subjected to an unnecessary booster, and very few owners are told why after their pets die of AIHA."

What Cooked the World's Economy? - It wasn't your overdue mortgage
"... what we are living through is the worst financial scandal in history. It dwarfs 1929, Ponzi's scheme, Teapot Dome, the South Sea Bubble, tulip bulbs, you name it. Bernie Madoff? He's peanuts."

If you have trouble reading this article - it's long and written by a lawyer - don't despair. The long and the short of it is that it wasn't your mortgage that did the damage. The financial shenanigans that threaten to bring down the world economy were encouraged by a little publicized change in laws in the US that exempted shady financial practices from all control and oversight.

Mortgages were then bundled and "securitized", meaning they were used to justify the issue of further loans needed to speculate or finance takeovers. Those loans were then insured against default, and the insurances were a "product" in themselves. They kicked in any time there was trouble or a default. So the speculators were betting on your mortgage defaulting and they were doing a lot of it, creating a bubble of some 600 trillion Dollars of bad debt. THAT is what's bringing down the economy.

The solution?

"Imagine if a ring of cashiers at a local bank made thousands of bad loans, aware that they could break the bank. They would be prosecuted for fraud and racketeering under the anti-gangster RICO Act. If their counterparties—the debtors—were in on the scam and understood that they didn't have to pay off the loans, they could be charged, too."

- - -

More information out there...

There is much I cannot cover but other sources for this kind of information exist and are active.


Dr Mercola's health blog, Mike Adams' Natural News and the One Click Group in the UK have good health information. The Dr Rath Foundation is also putting out a weekly collection of health related news. Here is the link to their Newsletter Archive.

The Alternative Medicine Yahoo Group and the healthfreedom ning group are places to discuss and exchange information on what is happening in the world of natural health.

For the influence of electromagnetic waves from radio, mobile phones and other radio emitting devices, check out the emr-updates group on Yahoo. Genetic modification and issues around agriculture and foods are reported on the Organic Consumers Association site.

A few sites to keep up to date with the other side of world affairs, the stuff you won't necessarily find on your tv or in the papers:

The individual is supreme and finds its way through intuition


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Sunday March 1 2009
updated on Wednesday August 15 2012

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The Individual Is Supreme And Finds Its Way Through Intuition


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