
Food for Thought
Human Potential
The Media
War Crimes
Every day, I come across a number of interesting news items and stories related to the topics of this site but I cannot report on them all. This is a new kind of post that brings you the links to stories I find interesting, grabbing them as I go. Some of them are only links, others come with a short comment...
January 15, 2012
Despite safety of supplements, FDA insists on regulation - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 15 January 2012
December 27, 2011
Painkillers killing more than pain... Health Supreme NewsGrabs 27 December 2011
December 18, 2011
'Evidence based' medicine is a fraud - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 18 December 2011
December 11, 2011
Too Big to Prosecute? - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 11 December 2011
December 04, 2011
Ten Tips To Boost Immunity Naturally - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 4 December 2011
November 26, 2011
Underground Health? - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 26 November 2011
November 20, 2011
Europe Approves Stevia - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 20 November 2011
November 14, 2011
Biopiracy: India Sues Monsanto - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 14 November 2011
November 06, 2011
System D: The New Economic Superpower - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 6 November 2011
October 30, 2011
Vaccination linked to increase in disease, death - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 30 October 2011
October 23, 2011
Vitamin D found vital for immune response ... what are implications for AIDS? - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 23 October 2011
October 16, 2011
Vaccines for Children not effective - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 16 October 2011
October 07, 2011
Aids and Arteries - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 8 October 2011
October 02, 2011
Polish minister says: Ban GM across Europe - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 1 October 2011
September 25, 2011
Psychiatrists shock, drug disabled children - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 25 September 2011
Complete list of articles on " NewsGrabs"
Economy is one of the main tools of control. Both individuals and countries are in trouble because of certain widely accepted economic policies.
We need to look at what's not working and develop a better model that does not promote the concentration of resources in the hands of a few.
November 17, 2007
FBI Raids Liberty Dollar: Why Neocons Hate Complementary Currencies
March 16, 2007
Empire: A Global Web of Corruption
March 02, 2007
New Hampshire: Beginnings of a Freedom Revolution?
February 26, 2007
Local Currency: 'BerkShares' Encourage Commerce
December 11, 2006
Pinochet And The Fairy Tale Miracle Of Chile
October 23, 2005
Microcredit - You Can Help Break the Cycle of Poverty
August 15, 2005
New Economics: The Scourge of Interest Rates
July 07, 2005
Agribusiness: Farming Subsidies Destroy Food Security
June 24, 2005
Social Credit: Make Your Own Bank
June 04, 2005
Third World Economy: Is Foreign Aid Destructive?
April 30, 2005
An Economy Of The Commons - Economic Law, Ethics, and Paradox: Is There a Way Out?
April 19, 2005
Canada: Class Action Accuses Banks of Illegal Creation of Money
December 30, 2004
Argentina Defies Monetary Fund - Gives Economic Lesson to Big Finance
October 05, 2004
Water + Sunlight + Catalyst = Hydrogen - Are We Ready For It?
June 24, 2004
'Oil Shock' Looming - What are the Alternatives?
Complete list of articles on "Economy"
We are destroying our environment at an incredible pace. If that is not enough, we are also putting poisons in our drinking water (fluoride, chlorine) and even fill our teeth with a highly toxic mix of metals including mercury. Industrial agriculture has all but eliminated wholesome food and multinational companies want us to eat genetically modified foods. The "experts" advise us that a varied diet is all we need to stay healthy, but short of those who grow organic food in their own garden, who really eats all that well?
I say it's environmental clean-up time!
January 18, 2013
European Union seeks consumer input on organic agriculture
November 23, 2012
A Seed for Change - Greek film maker says we can 'grow our way out of the crisis'
September 23, 2008
Enzymes: Non Toxic Biopesticides
June 19, 2008
Seeds of Destruction -
February 15, 2008
Creating Reality - From Consciousness and Free Will to Three Dimensional Networking
February 01, 2008
World Health Organization 'Paralyzed by Nuclear Lobby'
May 29, 2007
Bird Flu and Microwaves: Are we Killing Birds with Radiation?
May 09, 2007
Confined Animal Feeding Operations Spearhead Corporate Food Monopoly
March 06, 2007
Millions of Bees Die - Are Electromagnetic Signals To Blame?
December 14, 2006
'Biofuels' Hard Choice: Want Food or Fuel?
October 17, 2006
Electromagnetic Pollution Campaign Issue in Ontario Local Elections
September 28, 2006
Depleted Uranium Doubled Diabetes Rate: Leuren Moret
February 03, 2006
Asian Vultures Face Extinction: Anti-Inflammatory Diclofenac Culprit
January 28, 2006
Chemicals Better Than Nature? - Perhaps Not
November 06, 2005
Water Fluoridation Incompatible With EU Medicine Laws
Complete list of articles on "Environment"
There is an almost daily barrage of catastrophic news on new diseases and threats to our health. AIDS, BSE (Mad Cow Disease), Foot and Mouth Disease in Cows, SARS, Anthrax, Smallpox, you name it! Many of these scares are manufactured by the very authorities that should be preventing them. Something is definitely awry here.
August 11, 2013
Retroviral particles in human immune defenses - is AIDS orthodoxy dead wrong?
October 04, 2012
Missing folate genes and AIDS - treat hypomethylation with nutrients, not toxic drugs!
August 29, 2012
AIDS – From Drugs to Vaccines
December 28, 2008
Aids: An Iatrogenic Depopulation Strategy?
April 23, 2008
Rethinking Aids Day - Scientists Call for New Thinking on HIV
April 15, 2008
After Earth Day - Rethinking AIDS on 23 April
January 25, 2008
Kaushalya never was HIV positive
January 11, 2008
AIDS: The Mbeki Challenge
July 10, 2007
Low Dose Naltrexone in AIDS, Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases
May 29, 2007
Bird Flu and Microwaves: Are we Killing Birds with Radiation?
May 07, 2007
Alternatives to AZT in Aids Patients
March 26, 2007
Solving the Antioxidant Question in Aids
February 07, 2007
AIDS: Court Case Exposes Scientific Contradictions
February 02, 2007
Gambian President Says Able To Cure Aids
December 07, 2006
Nano Silver kills microbes - EPA up in Arms
Complete list of articles on "Epidemics"
Food for Thought
April 12, 2012
Quackbusters, Skeptics and the Web of Trust
March 30, 2012
The Bio-Chemical Matrix - The Myths of Matrix Science
Natural Health is based on prevention and on keeping our bodies in good shape. That includes moving our bodies, eating well, topping up nutrients where needed and avoiding all kinds of poisons. It also is based on real choice in medicine. I want to be able to choose what kind of medico or other health practitioner to consult, what kinds of remedies to use if I do get sick.
Some of these alternatives are extremely effective yet they are not being promoted. I wonder why.
October 27, 2015
Multiple sclerosis is Lyme disease: Anatomy of a cover-up
July 11, 2015
Chromotherapy in Cancer
June 02, 2014
Inclined Bed Therapy: Tilt your bed for healthful sleep
January 05, 2014
European Food Safety Authority cherry picks evidence - finds Aspartame completely safe
November 08, 2013
Did Aspartame kill Cory Terry?
August 11, 2013
Retroviral particles in human immune defenses - is AIDS orthodoxy dead wrong?
January 18, 2013
European Union seeks consumer input on organic agriculture
October 04, 2012
Missing folate genes and AIDS - treat hypomethylation with nutrients, not toxic drugs!
August 20, 2012
Whooping cough vaccine does not prevent disease - it causes more severe outbreaks
July 06, 2012
Codex decides to adopt ractopamine standard against consumer objections
February 09, 2012
Infoholix on CAM - Complementary and Alternative Therapies
February 03, 2012
FDA purposely hid aspartame dangers: open letter to the European Food Safety Authority
January 25, 2012
Does smoking tobacco fulfill a nutritional need?
January 19, 2012
Supplements: The Real Story - Natural or Synthetic? Foods or Tablets?
December 28, 2008
Aids: An Iatrogenic Depopulation Strategy?
Complete list of articles on "Health"
Human Potential
Human potential is changing. Intuition is one of the things we are learning to use to connect up to the knowledge that is freely available to everyone. DNA changes have long been rumoured and merit investigation. Abilities that have long been considered "para" are becoming more common. Some of these things need to be looke at, hence this category.
February 15, 2008
Creating Reality - From Consciousness and Free Will to Three Dimensional Networking
August 31, 2006
Ho'oponopono - Hawaiian Code of Forgiveness: Take Responsibility
June 01, 2005
Life Extension: Is Transhumanism A Dangerous Idea?
April 10, 2005
Exopolitics - Why Are Extraterrestrial Politics Taboo?
June 21, 2004
The Interview Game Part II: What Do You See Ahead Robin?
April 21, 2004
Sound Health Sharry Edwards Charges: 'Financial Terrorism'
April 03, 2004
Time, Reality and an Experience of Death
January 18, 2004
More than meets the eye - Russian girl astounds medics
January 16, 2004
Emergence - a Holistic Theory of Physics
October 29, 2003
Vedic Mathematics for our journey to the stars
September 27, 2003
The Interview Game - Could You Paint A New World?
September 13, 2003
a bio-economic way of unleashing human joy
August 02, 2003
future of adolescent man
July 29, 2003
Mind snatchers
July 17, 2003
CommAgents Initiative announced - Robin Good "spills the beans"
Complete list of articles on "Human Potential"
The European Union is passing laws which will make it more difficult for us to take care of our own health in a manner we think best. "Consumer protection" is the apparent justification for taking away such "dangerous" things as herbs that have been used for millennia and vitamins or other nutrients that help us ward off disease. Two campaign sites for protecting our health freedom you might want to visit:
But trouble is brewing internationally - Europe is not alone. Codex Alimentarius, an international Food Standard Setting Body is after vitamins and minerals, discussing restrictive legislation. Canada, Australia, the USA are all on the same path.
Is there an international move (let's avoid the word 'conspiracy') to narrow down our alternative health options? You be the judge.
January 18, 2013
European Union seeks consumer input on organic agriculture
August 30, 2008
From Avoiding Deficiency to Optimal Health - RDA Focus 'Must Change'
August 12, 2008
Codex Alimentarius: Globalizing Food and Health
May 07, 2008
Canada: Bill C-51 threatens natural health products
April 03, 2008
EU Scientific Committee: Mercury in dental fillings 'no danger'
February 25, 2008
Will Europe Restrict Herbs, Vegetable Extracts?
November 19, 2007
Codex Alimentarius Moves Closer to European Blueprint on Supplements
October 31, 2007
EU Commissioner Kyprianou shrugs off Consumer Concerns over Nutrients
October 24, 2007
Proposed European 'Nutrient Safety Levels' Not Fit For Purpose
October 15, 2007
Codex Alimentarius: Will EU Laws Become World Standard?
October 08, 2007
Should We Discard Herbal Medicine - Unless Provided by Pharma?
July 04, 2007
Codex Alimentarius: Corporations Forge Global Food Rules
June 14, 2007
FDA and Pharma's death toll - Reform or Business as usual?
May 04, 2007
European Food Regulation and 'Intended Normal Use'
April 26, 2007
S1082: Will FDA Do Away With Pharma's Competition?
Complete list of articles on "Legislation"
Pharmaceutical medicine is being touted by our health authorities as the only way to "manage illness". Yet, deaths from the known side effects of pharmaceutical drugs and medical errors are one of the leading causes of death in Western countries.
The profit based pharmaceutical model of health is not only extremely expensive - national health systems are going bankrupt all over the place - it is also extremely inefficient in achieving health for us all. In fact we are getting sicker and sicker, while the "disease market" keeps growing by leaps and bounds.
I believe we should do something to change that.
March 19, 2013
Vaccine damage in Great Britain: The consequences of Dr Wakefield’s trials
August 29, 2012
AIDS – From Drugs to Vaccines
August 20, 2012
Whooping cough vaccine does not prevent disease - it causes more severe outbreaks
March 30, 2012
The Bio-Chemical Matrix - The Myths of Matrix Science
March 02, 2012
November 25, 2008
Fear of the Invisible - The Virus that never was
November 17, 2008
JUPITER Cholesterol Drug Trial: Marketing Tactics Threaten Public Health and Wealth
October 20, 2008
Strattera adverse effects: UK Medicines Agency refuses to act
September 16, 2008
Vaccines: To Heal or Not to Heal
August 06, 2008
The Cholesterol Scare - Are You A Victim?
July 23, 2008
Vitamin A and D - Synergy and Balance
July 17, 2008
Seizure inducing aspartame added to anti-seizure drugs
July 07, 2008
Cholesterol Drugs for Kids? Pharma - Quo Vadis
June 27, 2008
Antidepressants: Swedish FDA mobilized to save pharma
June 10, 2008
Most Diseases Caused by Medical System?
Complete list of articles on "Pharma"
The physical sciences have been stuck - for nearly a century - in a "preferred interpretation" of our universe and its workings. Although mathematically consistent to a reasonable degree, this interpretation of physical reality has little room for progress, for a better understanding of the reality around us and it is time we seriously look at alternatives that better explain our universe
January 05, 2014
European Food Safety Authority cherry picks evidence - finds Aspartame completely safe
August 29, 2012
AIDS – From Drugs to Vaccines
March 27, 2008
Neuropsychiatric Genetics fails to find cause of mental illness
February 01, 2008
World Health Organization 'Paralyzed by Nuclear Lobby'
December 13, 2007
What Really Killed the Dinosaurs?
December 14, 2006
'Biofuels' Hard Choice: Want Food or Fuel?
June 23, 2006
Will Nature, Science Allow Aids Discussion?
December 22, 2005
Chemical Poisoning: Brave New World of Zero Risk
November 05, 2005
Will Hydrinos Replace Oil As Power Source?
September 16, 2005
Corrupted Research: Most Scientific Findings Are False
September 02, 2005
Energy: Are Oil And Natural Gas Renewable?
August 10, 2005
GM Food Safety: Royal Society Suppressed Study
August 07, 2005
Life And Gravity: Sleeping In A Horizontal Position May Be Bad For You
May 17, 2005
Where Are The Bodies? - The Exceptional Safety of Nutritional Supplements
April 10, 2005
Exopolitics - Why Are Extraterrestrial Politics Taboo?
Complete list of articles on "Science"
Social organization or how we live together peacefully, co-operating towards meaningful progress. That is what will be the theme of this category.
November 23, 2012
A Seed for Change - Greek film maker says we can 'grow our way out of the crisis'
April 12, 2012
Quackbusters, Skeptics and the Web of Trust
March 30, 2012
The Bio-Chemical Matrix - The Myths of Matrix Science
February 21, 2008
Expert Patients - A New Healthcare Paradigm
February 15, 2008
Creating Reality - From Consciousness and Free Will to Three Dimensional Networking
January 18, 2008
Psychopharmacology: Critical Psychiatry
November 23, 2007
ADHD - Psychiatric Drugs Bring Brave New World
November 07, 2007
Healing Psychiatry
October 29, 2007
Guinea Pig Kids - 'Aids Denial' and Human Experiments
June 26, 2007
Is Food Production Feeding the 'Population Bomb'?
May 09, 2007
Confined Animal Feeding Operations Spearhead Corporate Food Monopoly
April 19, 2007
The Virginia Tech Shootings: A Psychiatric Drug Connection?
March 02, 2007
New Hampshire: Beginnings of a Freedom Revolution?
February 14, 2007
Eli Lilly Documents to Remain Secret Says Judge
February 03, 2007
Synthetic Biology: Replace Oil Addiction with a 'Sugar Binge'?
Complete list of articles on "Society"
The steam engine as invented over a century ago is still the blueprint for our "modern machinery". Technologically, we're all but immobile. Yes, there are refinements in finishings and security, but the "heart" of our machines is the old heat-and-explosion technology from the early days of Diesel, Otto and Ford. Even nuclear plants follows that static paradigm - they're nothing but modified steam engines - except that their radioactive byproducts are a threat to future generations.
There are great alternatives "out there" and lots of dedicated people working to construct a better, more human-friendly technology for our use. My hat is off to all those who brave the overwhelming odds: government secrecy, patent denial, funding shortage, and sometimes outright obstruction.
Non-polluting de-centralized energy solutions and people-friendly technologies are already in our reality. They need your support!
February 03, 2007
Synthetic Biology: Replace Oil Addiction with a 'Sugar Binge'?
January 31, 2007
Health Supreme NewsGrabs - 31 January 2007
December 14, 2006
'Biofuels' Hard Choice: Want Food or Fuel?
October 17, 2006
Electromagnetic Pollution Campaign Issue in Ontario Local Elections
May 02, 2006
Dolphins Dead off Zanzibar - Is Navy Sonar to Blame?
March 24, 2006
Low-tech Solar Water Purification: It works
January 30, 2006
Mesh Networks And City Wireless Will Transform The Internet
January 02, 2006
Will 2006 Bring Free Energy Breakthrough?
December 14, 2005
The Cell Phone Experiment: Is Mobile Communication Worth The Risk?
November 05, 2005
Will Hydrinos Replace Oil As Power Source?
September 02, 2005
Energy: Are Oil And Natural Gas Renewable?
February 21, 2005
Science Commons: Open The Flow Of Scientific Information
February 01, 2005
Global Warming: Methane Could Be Far Worse Than Carbon Dioxide
November 23, 2004
Biodiesel Not Sustainable: Will Starve The Poor
October 23, 2004
Laser Light Kills Human Blood: Russian Scientist Warns
Complete list of articles on "Technology"
The Media
The media, all those channels that are supposed to give us the information we need to understand what's happening, have been taken over and bent to a corporate agenda. In a certain sense that means they have betrayed the trust of their readers, listeners, viewers. This will either have to drastically change, or people are going to turn to other sources for obtaining their information.
April 12, 2012
Quackbusters, Skeptics and the Web of Trust
January 26, 2007
'Guinea Pig Kids' - BBC Video Raises Aids Lobby's Heckles
January 30, 2006
Mesh Networks And City Wireless Will Transform The Internet
November 27, 2005
What if Everything You Thought You Knew About 911 Was a Big Fat Lie?
September 05, 2005
New Movie: 'Constant Gardener' Exposes Pharma
June 30, 2005
Live8 - Lockstep Into AIDS Catastrophe?
May 17, 2005
Where Are The Bodies? - The Exceptional Safety of Nutritional Supplements
February 16, 2005
New Zealand: Ministry Resorts To 'Meningococcal Monsters' - Media Silent
November 06, 2004
CDC, Media Hype The Flu - Facts Show Different Picture
September 17, 2004
Uranium Munitions Are Weapons of Mass Destruction - Use Is A War Crime: Experts
June 22, 2004
Medline 'Oversight' - Orthomolecular Journal Not Indexed
June 21, 2004
The Interview Game Part II: What Do You See Ahead Robin?
February 22, 2004
Corporate Control of Media - Trash Your Television
January 23, 2004
Project Censored - the news you did not see on TV
War Crimes
True World Events today are often hidden. At times, they go unreported, because they don't fit someone's agenda. I will try to alert you when that happens.
March 27, 2012
The world needs public trial of political leaders for war crimes and genocide
September 28, 2006
Depleted Uranium Doubled Diabetes Rate: Leuren Moret
July 31, 2006
Health Supreme Daily NewsGrabs - 31 July 2006
July 21, 2006
Palestine, Israel - Defuse The Middle East Powder Keg!
January 25, 2006
Dirty 'Depleted' Uranium - Far Worse Than Bird Flu
November 27, 2005
What if Everything You Thought You Knew About 911 Was a Big Fat Lie?
March 12, 2005
Do Antidepressants Cause Violence?
February 13, 2005
Depleted Uranium Coming Home To Roost - Dillon Bill In Conn Legislature
September 17, 2004
Uranium Munitions Are Weapons of Mass Destruction - Use Is A War Crime: Experts
March 05, 2004
World Health Organisation Blocked Depleted Uranium Study
October 13, 2003
If you want peace, prepare for peace...
October 12, 2003
Will Oil End War Economy?
August 05, 2003
Depleted Uranium - Silent genocide to haunt perpetrators
July 28, 2003
Greek lawyers initiate case before International Criminal Court
July 09, 2003
Capetown Anti Bush Demonstration
Complete list of articles on "War Crimes"

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
These articles are brought to you strictly for educational and informational purposes. Be sure to consult your health practitioner of choice before utilizing any of the information to cure or mitigate disease. Any copyrighted material cited is used strictly in a non commercial way and in accordance with the "fair use" doctrine.