Evolving Collective Intelligence by Tom Atlee

Exploring how to generate the collective wisdom we need

Exploring how to generate the collective wisdom we need

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June 21, 2005

I Invite You to Support the Co-Intelligence Work

Last night I sent out the summer fundraising email for the Co-Intelligence Institute, through which I do my work. I invite you to join in supporting that work. What follows is the letter I sent, which contains information about our work and how to contribute. Thanks for any support you choose to happily give.

A New Vision and Task of the Co-Intelligence Institute

In April, the Co-Intelligence Institute board took a weekend retreat to reflect upon our work and recent experience. We sought to clarify our unique contribution to the emergence of an evolving wisdom society.

Interestingly, the social vision we came to is not a static utopia. Our ideal future society is a dynamic, indescribable one in which people "co-create their world in conscious collaboration with each other and nature." We reaffirmed our passionate commitment to "enable the ongoing conscious evolution of society." We believe that whole-society co-intelligence is a core competence for any society that hopes to be diverse, free, just and sustainable. Ultimately, in fact, we believe that whole-society co-intelligence is vital to the survival and "thrival" of humankind.

We see the Co-Intelligence Institute as a catalyst of sustainable systemic change that enables the ongoing conscious evolution and collective learning of society. With co-intelligence, the challenges of the coming century become a stimulant for this evolution and learning.

Our unique gift is to call attention to this societal capacity for co-intelligence and wise decision-making, and to invite transformational agents to join in developing that capacity. So we are choosing to focus our efforts on bringing this gift -- the co-intelligence worldview -- to the many diverse efforts already underway around the world to build a sustainable, wise culture.

Our Work

We have been active along these lines for months:

  • In the last month, I presented a co-intelligence workshop at the invitational Evolutionary Salon in California. I gave a speech on "Generating Citizen-Based Collective Intelligence" at the Innovation in Community Engagement conference in Perth, Australia, to 300 practitioners and public officials. I will be doing more presentations over the summer. Earlier I spoke with Unitarians in Portland, OR; to audiences in Austin, TX, and East Lansing, MI (including state agency staff), and several radio interviews.
  • I played significant roles in the planning and ultimate success of the Evolutionary Salon and the Innovation in Community Engagement conference, both of which were transformational, inspiring experiences for influential participants.
  • My new weblog now ranks among the top five percent of blogs listed at Bloglet.com -- a leading blog subscription site -- and has tripled the number of subscriptions in the last two months. (You can boost my bloglet rating even higher by subscribing to my blog posting announcements in the right column of my blog.)
  • Board member Heather Tischbein has been engaged with Make Democracy Work, a group in Vancouver, WA, that includes elected state officials and other leaders. She also brought the co-intelligence worldview to an invitational Deep Democracy conference last month in New York.
  • Board member Adin Rogovin is working to catalyze co-intelligent democratic process in Portland and Lake Oswego, OR. In Portland he is working with several community groups and the Mayor's staff on deepening public involvement. One path is to develop a demonstration project integrating several inclusive dialogue processes with city institutions. In Lake Oswego he is working through the Lake Oswego Neighborhood Action Coalition (LONAC) which is well established with the city. Adin is also supporting the Interra Project Portland organizing team, supporting the development of local economics.

Your Support is Vital

Our target for this fundraiser is $15,000. Raising this amount within the next few months will cover our basic expenses until the end of the year -- my salary, contract accounting and administrative help, office rent and minimal office expenses. If we raise more, we will be able to reach out more effectively

Your help is vital. CII's work doesn't fit neatly into the kind of plans, programs and measurable results used by typical, traditional funders. Although we expect to develop more linear projects as part of our overall strategy, most of our current catalytic work still depends on independent supporters like you. In short, if we are to successfully play our creative evolutionary role on the growing edge of the world's unfolding futures and emerging cultures, we need your support. Each and every one of you can help.

I am appealing to you to support the very special conscious evolutionary work of myself and CII at the growing edge of a new world.

Please join us in this work by gifting us $25, $50, $100 or more -- whatever you can joyfully give. You can donate online or send checks made out to

The Co-Intelligence Institute
PO Box 493
Eugene, OR 97440

Thank you so much, ahead of time. Your support makes all the difference in the world.



posted by Tom Atlee on Tuesday June 21 2005
updated on Saturday September 24 2005

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