Dialogue & Deliberation
December 02, 2008
Yesterday the New York Times published a great article about collective intelligence, "You’re Leaving a Digital Trail. What About Privacy?"
It covers a lot of ground on this vital subject. But it misses a very important point.
This article joins others in framing the subject of "collective intelligence" in terms of (a) computerized, online, and other high-tech systems for (b) collective information gathering, forecasting, etc., (c) to empower marketing, investment strategies, consumerism, productivity, activist impact, government control, or people's general ability to track each other, individually or collectively.
But I suggest that collective intelligence is so much more than a way for one part of a whole system -- government agencies, advertisers, investors, activists -- to predict, control, track, or manipulate other parts of the system -- competitors, enemies, consumers, citizens, etc.
Continue reading "Let Us Please Frame Collective Intelligence As Big As It Is"
posted by Tom Atlee on Tuesday December 2 2008
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May 15, 2008
I had an interesting conversation about choice today with my friend and colleague Adin Rogovin. We noticed that increased choice may increase or decrease happiness. Choice -- seen by most people as supporting happiness -- can be overwhelming, or false, or of poor quality. Lack of choice -- normally thought of as a source of unhappiness -- can make life simple, supporting happiness if one's life situation is otherwise satisfying. (And, of course, there is the variable of one's choice of attitude about life. Openhearted acceptance of "what is" supports happiness, while fighting it can generate suffering. But this is another totally separate variable.)
If we deconstruct choice into its components -- creating options, recognizing them, identifying a "right" option, and then selecting it -- we open up a whole other area of evolutionary inquiry.
Continue reading "Reflections on the evolution of choice and collective intelligence"
posted by Tom Atlee on Thursday May 15 2008
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May 08, 2008
A few days ago I stumbled on a new model for whole-system intelligence inspired by some work my friend Peggy Holman is doing with Journalism that Matters. These journalists are reexamining the kinds of stories they tell and their role in democracy, especially in light of how the rise of bloggers and other citizen journalists challenges mainstream media. Journalism that Matters is trying to revision that challenge into a create leap for the whole field.

I suspect this model is a draft and will shift over the coming months. This original version takes the form of four overlapping circles -- INFORMATION, CONVERSATION, VISION, and ACTION -- arranged in a circle such that they flow round and round to generate collective intelligence -- an iterative, creative, collective learning cycle. Here's how it goes:
Continue reading "Whole System Learning and Evolution -- and the New Journalism"
posted by Tom Atlee on Thursday May 8 2008
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April 27, 2008
In addition to its immediate relevance for our personal behaviors and health and as a public health issue, this report from The Ecologist on "The Gathering Brainstorm" of damaging Wi-Fi impacts, includes the sentence "The technology is now moving far faster than it can be tested or regulated."
This is one of the rare occasions of a specific reference to a phenomenon that really concerns me:
Continue reading "Gathering storms of unwanted change"
posted by Tom Atlee on Sunday April 27 2008
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Let Us Please Frame Collective Intelligence As Big As It Is
December 02, 2008
Reflections on the evolution of choice and collective intelligence
May 15, 2008
Whole System Learning and Evolution -- and the New Journalism
May 08, 2008
Gathering storms of unwanted change
April 27, 2008
Protect Sources or Not? - More Complex than It Seems
July 16, 2005
Conversations That Shape the Future: A Review of THE WORLD CAFE
July 15, 2005
Citizens Juries to Choose Supreme Court Justices?!
July 06, 2005
A Spectrum of Politics and Governance Grounded in Empowered Citizen Dialogue and Deliberation
July 04, 2005
Scripture-based Deliberations on Public Policy?
June 25, 2005
Something is Emerging
June 21, 2005
Australia's Amazing Conference (and Work) on Deliberative Innovations
June 19, 2005
New Voting System in British Columbia Wins and Loses
May 19, 2005
A Citizens' Consensus Conference on Nanotechnology in Wisconsin
May 04, 2005
Citizen Journalism vs Framing Issues for Deliberation
May 01, 2005
Tom Atlee Radio Interview May 1, 2005
April 14, 2005
Faux Majorities and Supermajorities
April 12, 2005
Dialogue that Transforms Terrorists
February 12, 2005
Dystopias as Collective Intelligence
February 12, 2005
Polarization and Intelligence
September 05, 2004
Community Intelligence Resources
September 05, 2004
Can we move beyond reptilian logic?
September 04, 2004
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