May 08, 2008
A few days ago I stumbled on a new model for whole-system intelligence inspired by some work my friend Peggy Holman is doing with Journalism that Matters. These journalists are reexamining the kinds of stories they tell and their role in democracy, especially in light of how the rise of bloggers and other citizen journalists challenges mainstream media. Journalism that Matters is trying to revision that challenge into a create leap for the whole field.

I suspect this model is a draft and will shift over the coming months. This original version takes the form of four overlapping circles -- INFORMATION, CONVERSATION, VISION, and ACTION -- arranged in a circle such that they flow round and round to generate collective intelligence -- an iterative, creative, collective learning cycle. Here's how it goes:
Continue reading "Whole System Learning and Evolution -- and the New Journalism"
posted by Tom Atlee on Thursday May 8 2008
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July 16, 2005
Should the media and the legal system protect unethical powerholders who illegally leak information as part of their power manipulations? If they are protected, doesn't that degrade democracy? If they are exposed, wouldn't that make ethical whistleblowers less likely to leak vital information to the public, also degrading democracy? The answers to these questions play out differently in a polarized adversarial political environment and in a culture of dialogue and deliberation.
I've read a number of articles recently from responsible journalists who question the journalistic justification for reporters protecting confidential sources in the Valerie Plame case. (Notable among those articles are "Karl Rove and the access of evil: Tell us your 'source,' Judy" by Greg Palast and "Why this journalist thinks that Judy Miller should go to jail" by Will Bunch.) Among other excellent points, they argue that the "protection of sources" ethical principle is intended to protect those who challenge entrenched powerholders, not to protect powerholders from being answerable to the public.
Continue reading "Protect Sources or Not? - More Complex than It Seems"
posted by Tom Atlee on Saturday July 16 2005
updated on Saturday September 24 2005
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June 27, 2005
The Downing Street Memo story provides an object lesson in
(a) skewed media coverage -- especially when compared with the Michael Jackson story -- and
(b) the competitive dynamics between blogs and mass media.
Continue reading "Blog Power vs Media's Breathless Irrelevancies"
posted by Tom Atlee on Monday June 27 2005
updated on Saturday September 24 2005
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May 01, 2005
Bruce Wilson is a programmer interested in citizen journalism. I talked with him about my idea for citizen journalists to co-create wikipedia-like multiple-viewpoint online databases summarizing and giving access to the range of views on news events, public statements and issues in general. I was looking for software that could facilitate that, so that anyone could participate in a relatively unmanaged, self-organized way. I learned some interesting things from his response.
Continue reading "Citizen Journalism vs Framing Issues for Deliberation"
posted by Tom Atlee on Sunday May 1 2005
updated on Saturday September 24 2005
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Whole System Learning and Evolution -- and the New Journalism
May 08, 2008
Protect Sources or Not? - More Complex than It Seems
July 16, 2005
Blog Power vs Media's Breathless Irrelevancies
June 27, 2005
Citizen Journalism vs Framing Issues for Deliberation
May 01, 2005
Principles of Journalism
April 28, 2005
Mainstream Media and Bloggers
April 27, 2005
One Provocative Future of Media
April 21, 2005
Open Source Journalism and Public Framing of Issues
April 19, 2005
Terri Schiavo and Collective Intelligence
April 01, 2005
A Very Stimulating Online Conference
February 16, 2005
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