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Exploring how to generate the collective wisdom we need

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May 11, 2005

An Abundance of Collective Intelligence and Disaster - Why?

As I look at our current situation from an evolutionary perspective, the thing that strikes me most about homo sapiens is that we keep creating bigger, deeper, broader effects without attending to the long-term consequences of what we are doing. Intelligence is supposed to help us deal with that. But there seem to be a lot of holes in our intelligence bucket.

Continue reading "An Abundance of Collective Intelligence and Disaster - Why?"

posted by Tom Atlee on Wednesday May 11 2005

updated on Saturday September 24 2005

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The Evolutionary Role of Citizen Deliberation

Probably the evolutionary ecosystemic truth that most applies to citizen deliberative councils is that organisms co-create the environment that shapes them. They evolve it; it evolves them. Rain and wind have an impact on the presence and role of trees -- and trees have an impact on the presence and role of rain and wind. Organisms are part of each other's environments -- and as they change, their environment changes, and then they change, and then their environment changes. They co-evolve each other, round and round, for billions of years...

People co-create the communities, societies, governments and cultures that shape their behavior, their consciousness, their lives. This is always true, no matter what kind of society they live in -- a truth Gandhi used to empower his people. Democracy is supposed to be based on people doing this co-creation consciously as citizens -- creating their shared world and letting it shape them, and then creating it newly -- an iterative cycle of mutual shaping and co-creation. The fact that it is not that is no reason that it cannot become that.

Doing this co-creative work well, collaboratively, wisely, and very consciously is what citizen deliberation is all about. Citizen deliberative councils are one aspect of a visionary wisdom culture which could help us evolve together consciously -- not through anything esoteric, but just through listening and learning together and discovering what makes sense together, over and over and over..

posted by Tom Atlee on Wednesday May 11 2005

updated on Saturday September 24 2005

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May 10, 2005

The Evolution of Genes and Meaning

I've been studying for an "Evolutionary Salon" -- a gathering of about 30 evolutionary scientists and social thinkers to learn lessons from current evolutionary theory that can help us navigate the evolutionary challenges of the coming century. I'm learning a lot -- and developing a lot of questions. Among the things that fascinate me are the connection between individual and collective evolution, and between cooperation and competition in evolution.

Continue reading "The Evolution of Genes and Meaning"

posted by Tom Atlee on Tuesday May 10 2005

updated on Saturday September 24 2005

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September 05, 2004

Distinguishing Co-Intelligence and Collective Intelligence

Many people equate "co-intelligence" and "collective intelligence." That is OK in everyday usage, but it can impoverish our language when these two terms are equated in more formal work.

I believe it is very useful to keep the two phrases separate to describe distinct phenomena. I'll try to describe here the distinctions I see, and hopefully you will find them useful.

Continue reading "Distinguishing Co-Intelligence and Collective Intelligence"

posted by Tom Atlee on Sunday September 5 2004

updated on Saturday September 24 2005

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Trackback link: http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/cgi-bin/mt-tb.r484.cgi/1268



An Abundance of Collective Intelligence and Disaster - Why?
May 11, 2005

The Evolutionary Role of Citizen Deliberation
May 11, 2005

The Evolution of Genes and Meaning
May 10, 2005

Distinguishing Co-Intelligence and Collective Intelligence
September 05, 2004

Polarization and Intelligence
September 05, 2004


Diversity is possibility waiting to be born. So how can we use our differences most creatively?

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