Aids Dissidence
October 21, 2006
In his recent article "When Bono Met Bush" Chris Daley writes:
"Bono — front man for the supergroup U2 and self-appointed spokesman for AIDS and Africa — door-stopped President George W Bush at Chicago airport last Friday to give him a piece of his mind. Irritated that he should have to wait while the President's plane took off, Bono marched onto the runway huffing that he would like to have a few words with Bush, as if the President were an unruly neighbour blocking his driveway. After 10 minutes onboard Airforce One, the Irish musician emerged grinning and shaking hands with Bush as if the two were old poker buddies. 'This is the President who has treated a million AIDS patients,' he trumpeted boldly to the waiting media scrum."
Now, while we may expect rock stars and American Presidents to be stupid, it is less understandable in the case of the AIDS industry.
Bono is willing to forgive George for causing approximately 655 000 deaths in Iraq because George is just 'such a great guy' when it comes to AIDS. No doubt Bono, like many others, takes Bush and the medical industry at their word concerning the benefits of HIV and AIDS drugs as well as the link between HIV and AIDS itself.
However, if drug-promoting rock stars would consider doing a little research into these matters they'd discover that HIV-AIDS drugs do not cure people but kill them. They'd learn that the HIV test itself is a fraud and that the link between HIV and AIDS was never proved, 'HIV' failing, as it does, to even comply to the traditional medical standard used to define an infectious disease: Koch's Postulates.

Emma Holister
Continue reading "Bono and Bush Party without Koch: AIDS Industry Makes a Mockery of Medical Science"
posted by Emma Holister on Saturday October 21 2006
updated on Wednesday November 8 2006
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January 07, 2005
The other day I learnt rather belatedly that my friend and well-known AIDS dissident Mark Griffiths died unexpectedly a few weeks ago. His death came as a terrible shock to many of his friends who had recently seen Mark healthy, happy and excitedly pursuing the preparation for his lawsuit against the Pasteur Institute for fraudulent HIV diagnosis. I do know, however, that since a course of antibiotics that he'd taken for dental work a few months ago, he'd been suffering from intestinal problems and weight loss. From what I have been able to piece together from the various accounts from his friends, he had continued to suffer from digestive problems. There were reports of a deterioration of his physical state in the last few days of his life.
His death is a tragedy for his friends and supporters, but no doubt rather convenient for those profiting from the AID$ industry.
As a tribute to Mark, I am publishing Martin Walker's article on AZT as Mark was a great fan of Martin's work.
Below is a photo of Mark and me together in my garden, a picture that was taken last August ('04), just two months before his death.
The AIDS dissidence movement may have been wounded by this unexpected loss, but certainly not defeated. Mark was a pioneer, and the fight against the lies of the medical establishment is far from over, so stay tuned.

Continue reading "AIDS Dissidence Movement Loses a Dear Friend. Tribute to Mark Griffiths - 'AZT: An AIDS Defining Drug' by Martin Walker"
posted by Robin Good on Friday January 7 2005
updated on Wednesday November 8 2006
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September 13, 2004
The New African
October 1994
THE POSTER is seen in Kenya. Below a lurid picture of a worm wriggling through a human heart, the caption reads: 'Careless sex is a fruit with a worm in it. AIDS.'
At the 10th International AIDS Conference in Yokohama in August, Dr. Yuichi Shiokawa put the sentiment in a different way. The African AIDS epidemic, he said, could be brought under control only if Africans restrained their sexual cravings.
But Professor Nathan Clumeck of the Universite Libre in Brussels is skeptical that Africans will ever do so. In a recent interview with Le Monde, Clumeck claimed that 'sex, love and disease do not mean the same thing to Africans as they do to West Europeans because the notion of guilt doesn't exist in the same way as it does in the Judeo-Christian culture of the West.'
Such myths about the sexual excesses of Africans are old ones.
Early European travelers returned from Africa bringing tales of black men allegedly performing carnal athletic feats with black women who were themselves sexually insatiable. The affront to Victorian sensibilities was cited alongside tribal conflicts and other 'uncivilized' behavior to justify the need for colonial social control.
Today, AIDS researchers have added new, undocumented twists to an old repertoire: stories of Zairians who rub monkey's blood into cuts as an aphrodisiac; claims that ulcerated genitals are becoming widespread; and urban folklore about philandering East African truck drivers who get HIV from prostitutes and then infect their wives.
The World Health Organization claims that 10 million HIV-positive Africans are responsible for 300,000 cases of AIDS reported since 1981.

On the face of it this seems to be a catastrophe. Unlike in developed countries, where over 90 percent of AIDS cases are homosexual males, intravenous drug users and blood transfusion recipients, African AIDS is supposedly suffered by men and women in equal numbers who contract it, presumably from heterosexual intercourse.
Continue reading "'Myths of AIDS and Sex' by Charles L. Geshekter"
posted by Robin Good on Monday September 13 2004
updated on Monday September 25 2006
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Part 1. The Business 9/10 May 2004.
The critical flaws in the methods we use to detect the killer virus

Legal challenges to the validity of the HIV test, whose introduction 20 years ago led to the belief that millions of people are infected with a virus that will eventually cause them to die of Aids, are being mounted in the United States and France. In both cases, plaintiffs are citing the work of a group of scientists based in Perth, Western Australia, which has published evidence that contrary to widespread medical belief, none of the HIV test kits is capable of showing a person to be infected.
In Kansas, Calypte Biomedical Corporation (CBC) and Roche Diagnostics, two test kit manufacturers, are being sued for damages under that state's Consumer Protection Act. In court papers filed on April 12, Kim Bannon says that 12 years ago, during routine medical testing, she was diagnosed "indisputably" HIV-infected at Kansas University School of Medicine. She was told that she would develop Aids within five to seven years and die soon afterwards.
Subsequent testing from 1996 to 2003 repeatedly reconfirmed the diagnosis. Today, she remains healthy and free of any symptoms of Aids. Bannon says that two years ago, she discovered that the science, methodology and assumptions relied on by CBC and Roche as the basis for their tests are flawed. She is claiming civil penalties for misrepresentation and damages for the resulting "mental anguish, pain and suffering, shame and humiliation" as well as loss of earnings. She has sold her house to finance the law suit; with the support of her counsel, Dennis Webb, a Wichita, Kansas attorney, she is inviting others with an "HIV" diagnosis to join her, possibly in a type of class action.
In Paris, Philippe Autrive, a lawyer specialising in health and human rights, has taken up the case of Mark Griffiths, an Englishman living in France who was diagnosed HIV-positive in May 1986 while undergoing treatment for heroin addiction.
Continue reading "'Why an HIV Test May not Provide Proof Positive at All' by Neville Hodgkinson"
posted by Robin Good on Monday September 13 2004
updated on Wednesday September 27 2006
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Bono and Bush Party without Koch: AIDS Industry Makes a Mockery of Medical Science
October 21, 2006
AIDS Dissidence Movement Loses a Dear Friend. Tribute to Mark Griffiths - 'AZT: An AIDS Defining Drug' by Martin Walker
January 07, 2005
'Myths of AIDS and Sex' by Charles L. Geshekter
September 13, 2004
'Why an HIV Test May not Provide Proof Positive at All' by Neville Hodgkinson
September 13, 2004
'The African AIDS Epidemic' by Peter Duesberg
September 13, 2004
'AIDS: Scientific or Viral Catastrophe?' by Neville Hodgkinson
September 13, 2004
'AIDS: A Death Cult' by John Lauritsen
September 13, 2004
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