The most effective and rapid way to recover from the symptoms of candida overgrowth is to change one's diet.

Opinion varies, but on the whole the following should prove helpful. You will find that painstakingly reading the ingredients of everything you buy becomes essential. If your heart sinks on reading the recommendations it could be that you are addicted to certain foods. The general rule is that if you are addicted to something you are likely to be allergic to it. Try giving up two to three candida-causing food groups at a time if you find it too difficult to do it all at once. Food addictions can be even more powerful than drug addictions, so if at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again. Like all addictions, it is difficult to shake off in the beginning but the cravings eventually disappear. Here is what to eat and drink and what to avoid:
Continue reading "HEALING THROUGH DIET"
posted by Robin Good on Sunday September 12 2004
updated on Wednesday September 27 2006
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