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October 11, 2006
Where is the impartial, balanced reporting when it comes to Merck's latest 'miracle drug', Gardasil? It would seem that most of the media are blissfully happy with Merck's and the FDA's track record when it comes to 'drug safety'.

Colin Downes-Grainger
Most ordinary people are still haunted by the memory of the tens of thousands of people killed by Merck's other wonder drug, Vioxx. However, the press seem to be immune to such ugly reminders of the failure of the drug industry and their drug-funded regulatory agencies to protect the public from harm.
Merck would do better to instead develop a vaccine to rid the press of amnesia on the subject of adverse reactions to vaccines and other FDA-approved drugs.
With the BBC pulling at the heartstrings of the public with phrases such as 'plea for girls aged 11' one might be forgiven for thinking that little girls all over the world are menaced with imminent death from cervical cancer.
Once again media drug advertising is thinly disguised as health information and the public are repeatedly bombarded with death threats. Death threats in the form of disease scare-mongering and demands that potentially deadly (but more importantly very profitable) products be forced upon children.
Continue reading "Profit as Usual and to Hell with the Risks: Media Urge that Young Girls Receive Mandatory Cervical Cancer Vaccine"
posted by Emma Holister on Wednesday October 11 2006
updated on Wednesday November 8 2006
December 12, 2004
By Alex Jack
"Will an apple a day with 40% less vitamin A, 40% less iron, and 30% less phosphorus still keep the doctor away?"

Continue reading "The Disappearing Nutrients in America's Orchards"
posted by Robin Good on Sunday December 12 2004
updated on Wednesday November 8 2006
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December 03, 2004
France continues to ignore basic human rights and is guilty once again of the abusive treatment of another alternative medicine practitioner, Dr. Geerd Hamer, imprisoned for his work on the interconnections between the psyche and cancer.
Extracts from Hamer's recent letters:
"The French state has made it impossible for 6 weeks that I speak to a lawyer, thus insuring that I would miss my Dec. 1st chance to appeal and thus keep me in custody at least until March 5th...
...I feel as if this was a tomb, yet my morale is unbroken...
...I feel lucky to receive much mail; people are distressed...
...Please let all know I am moved by the empathy and by the extremely generous donations...
...The French thought they would just grab me, force me to undergo psychiatric evaluation and then put me away, instead there has been enormous reaction from the people in Germany, Austria, Italy... the fact that the press has been silent speaks volumes..."
Continue reading "Petition to France's President - Natural Health Practitioner Hamer Unjustly Imprisoned"
posted by Robin Good on Friday December 3 2004
updated on Wednesday November 8 2006
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November 16, 2004
Residues of hormones are well known to disrupt the reproductive abilities of amphibians and fish. There is also suspicion that antibiotic residues working their way up the food chain may promote resistance to the drugs, while many other medications could harm fetuses, and people who are ill or infirm. . .
"You need to know how long lasting [the contamination is], and if it's being continually reintroduced - but there's no country in the world that has enough information. . . We're kind of like where we were 25 years ago with PCBs and dioxides."

Continue reading "Prozac, Painkillers & Hormones Found in Tap Water"
posted by Robin Good on Tuesday November 16 2004
updated on Wednesday October 4 2006
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Profit as Usual and to Hell with the Risks: Media Urge that Young Girls Receive Mandatory Cervical Cancer Vaccine
October 11, 2006
The Disappearing Nutrients in America's Orchards
December 12, 2004
Petition to France's President - Natural Health Practitioner Hamer Unjustly Imprisoned
December 03, 2004
Prozac, Painkillers & Hormones Found in Tap Water
November 16, 2004
Bush Approves Study to Expose Children from Low Income Families to Pesticides
November 16, 2004
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Denied to Doctor, Embraced by Government
October 26, 2004
Dr Jacques Benveniste: The Case of the Missing Energy
October 18, 2004
'Skewed' by Martin Walker
October 10, 2004
'Modern Medicine : the New World Religion' by Olivier Clerc
October 10, 2004
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