October 31, 2004
It comes as rather a surprise to people in countries such as the UK and the US, where alternative medicine is still practised relatively freely, to learn that in the more medically repressive countries such as France, shiatsu massage is a crime punishable by law. With massage having been 'colonised', redefined and controlled by the medical authorities, the only legitimate form permitted (unless you choose to sneak off and bravely practise on the black market) is what you'll get from the official knee-cracking 'kinesithérapeutes' who wouldn't know a shiatsu from their big toe.

So before the current tide of prohibitive legislation jump steps the rest of the world into line with countries such as France, it would be a worthwhile aim to learn about this valuable therapy whose roots reach back to antiquity.
In the following interview, John Kozinski - counsellor and tutor at the Kushi Institute Massachusetts - explains macrobiotic shiatsu, Do-In (a relative of shiatsu practised on oneself) and the macrobiotic view of supplements.
Continue reading "Shiatsu Massage - Another Valuable Therapy Now under Threat"
posted by Robin Good on Sunday October 31 2004
updated on Friday September 15 2006
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October 12, 2004
Whether or not you find certain extrapolations about yin and yang, Taoism and Zen to your philosophical tastes, what is undeniable is the effectiveness of the basic nutritional guidelines in macrobiotic cooking for the relief and prevention of illness.
The contribution of macrobiotics to the modern health-foods movement and alternative medicine in general is immense.
Continue reading "'Macrobiotics' by Candida International"
posted by Robin Good on Tuesday October 12 2004
updated on Monday September 11 2006
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Ballantine Books, hardcover, 550 pages, $27.50
An encyclopedia to over 200 conditions and disorders, "The Macrobiotic Path" is organized like the authors' previous books, "The Cancer Prevention Diet" and "Diet for a Strong Heart." It includes dietary recommendations for many new conditions and disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, ALS, Gulf War Syndrome, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, TMJ, and many new digestive, nervous, muscle, bone, and endocrine disorders.
Continue reading "'The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health' by Michio Kushi and Alex Jack"
posted by Robin Good on Tuesday October 12 2004
updated on Monday September 11 2006
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Alex Jack is a macrobiotic author, teacher, and dietary counselor. He has served as general manager of the Kushi Institute, director of the One Peaceful World Society, and president of Planetary Health. He is the co-author with Michio Kushi of 'The Book of Macrobiotics', 'The Cancer Prevention Diet', and 'Diet for a Strong Heart'. He lives in New England with his wife, Gale, a macrobiotic cooking teacher and counselor, and his family.
Candida International: Macrobiotic therapists and candida therapists have similarities with regards eating whole organic foods and avoiding yeast, sugar and refined processed food. There are some differing views amongst candida therapists themselves when it comes to some types of meat and dairy. What is the macrobiotic view of these two foods?
Alex Jack: Traditionally, meat and diary products have been eaten in cold, northern climates or in specialized environments such as deserts or mountains. They are generally not suitable for people living in temperate climates and environments, especially modern sedentary populations. Regular intake of these foods is the principal cause of heart disease, certain cancers, and many other degenerative diseases. The poor quality of meat, poultry, and dairy today furthers contributes to health problems. Animal food production is also a primary cause of environmental imbalance. It is the main cause of water pollution, rain forest destruction, and other ecological problems.
Continue reading "Interview with Alex Jack of the Kushi Insitute by Candida International"
posted by Robin Good on Tuesday October 12 2004
updated on Monday September 11 2006
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Shiatsu Massage - Another Valuable Therapy Now under Threat
October 31, 2004
'Macrobiotics' by Candida International
October 12, 2004
'The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health' by Michio Kushi and Alex Jack
October 12, 2004
Interview with Alex Jack of the Kushi Insitute by Candida International
October 12, 2004
'The Macrobiotic Approach to the Candida Syndrome' by Michio Kushi and Alex Jack
October 12, 2004
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