War Crimes 
True World Events today are often hidden. At times, they go unreported, because they don't fit someone's agenda. I will try to alert you when that happens.
March 27, 2012
This is a guest post from Arun Shrivastava, New Delhi, India.
The world needs public trial of political leaders for war crimes and genocide
Copyright: Arun Shrivastava
Yes, public trial for treason, war crimes, and the genocide going on right now.

This is part of a very long essay on Depleted Uranium weapons, nuclear reactors and their environmental health impacts. In this article the long term consequences of radiation contamination from unilateral aggression of the US and NATO countries on South and West Asia are discussed. The Afpak (Afghanistan/Pakistan) region is being bombed daily and the cold blooded murder of nine kids out of the seventeen killed recently is just a small blip when billions are done in.
The toilet paper Amerikan $50,000 per Afghan murdered is a bloody joke.
The world can pay ten times more to the survivors of each hanged western leader.
Depleted Uranium or DU [1] encased bombs have been used since 1991 by US and NATO forces knowing full well that the use of DU weapons is illegal being weapons of mass destruction [WMD] and amounts to War Crimes. These weapons were used in Gulf War 1 against Iraq, then in the Balkans and later, after 9/11 events, in Afghanistan, Iraq, North Africa, Libya and are now being used in Drone bombings in Pakistan.
“When 20 years ago I stated at the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro that a species was in danger of extinction, I had fewer reasons than today for warning about a danger that I was seeing perhaps 100 years away.” Fidel Castro Ruz - March 21, 2012
Continue reading "The world needs public trial of political leaders for war crimes and genocide"
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Tuesday March 27 2012
updated on Thursday January 26 2017
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September 28, 2006
Depleted Uranium has been used in bombs and armour piercing munitions by the US-led war machine for about two decades, with great increases in the Iraq wars, in Afghanistan and the Balkans, and more recently also in Lebanon. But the uranium spread around the battle fields as a fine dust does not stay where it was released. It spreads around the planet and causes - says Leuren Moret - a veritable epidemic of ... diabetes around the world, quite apart from making wide swaths of country in the bombed nations too dangerous to live in.

Leuren Moret is a geoscientist who worked at the Livermore nuclear weapons lab where she became a whistleblower in 1991. She has survived years of retaliation from the Livermore Lab and the University of California and has lived firsthand the experiences of Karen Silkwood. A radiation specialist, she works around the world educating citizens, the media and lawmakers about the impact of radiation globally on the health of the public and the environment. She assisted with Al-Jazeera’s recent report on depleted uranium weapons which quickly became one of the most read articles produced by the website. “Depleted Uranium: Washington’s Secret Nuclear War” She is an independent scientist and an Environmental Commissioner for the City of Berkeley.
Continue reading "Depleted Uranium Doubled Diabetes Rate: Leuren Moret"
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Thursday September 28 2006
updated on Tuesday October 19 2010
| Comments (6)
July 31, 2006
Daily NewsGrabs, the alternative health news, continue on schedule. Here is the fourth installment of the links I find interesting and want to share with you, the readers of my site...
Almost didn't make it today, as I was exploring an enchanted lake on the wonderful island of Terceira - called "a lagoinha" and then came back to intermittent trouble with the internet connection...

Cuba: The Accidental Revolution are two one-hour documentaries celebrating the country's success in providing for itself in the face of a massive economic crisis, and how it's latest revolutions, an agricultural revolution and a revolution in science and medicine are having repercussions around the world.
Part 1 examines Cuba's response to the food crisis created by the collapse of the Soviet Bloc in 1989. Without fertilizer and pesticides, Cubans turned to organic methods. Without fuel and machinery parts, Cubans turned to oxen. Without fuel to transport food, Cubans started to grow food in the cities where it is consumed. Urban gardens were established in vacant lots, school playgrounds, patios and back yards. As a result Cuba created the largest program in sustainable agriculture ever undertaken. By 1999 Cuba's agricultural production had recovered and in some cases reached historic levels.
In Part 2 we learn that the country has been blockaded since 1961, but today Cuba has the highest quality of life in the region, the highest life expectancy, and one of the highest literacy rates in all of Latin America. With the collapse of the Soviet Bloc, Cuba lost the foreign exchange needed to pay for expensive drugs and medicines. As a result, much of Cuba's medicine today is based on medicinal plants. These are grown on farms, processed in small labs and made available to patients through an extensive network of medical clinics. Today Cuba's advances in alternative medicine could have important consequences for other countries around the world.
Are Microwaves a/the major Causal Factor in CFS/ME?
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), as it is called in England, has been condescendingly called an imaginary illness (as in: "it's all in your head") requiring psychiatric medication and psychological counseling. It has been linked to chemical pollution and mitochondrial malfunction and, according to this list of indications compiled by an activist known as Art Kab, may be triggered by microwaves - the waves carrying communications bits in mobile phones.
Cardiovascular, Psychiatric Warnings Strengthened on Adderall
The FDA is "strengthening warnings" on Adderall, the drug the Canadians already suspended. More foot-dragging from the world's most eminent protector of our health.
FDA Betrays Consumers RE: Toxic Aspartame, Splenda
Betty Martini says the FDA's recent announcement that Aspartame, the controversial artificial sweetener is safe, is a betrayal of public trust. Indeed, before the override of FDA's scientific rejection engineered by Donald Rumsfeld, the FDA's own scientists sang a different tune. They said the sweetener can't be approved because it causes cancer and other illness.
China blasts Security Council silence over UN deaths in Lebanon
Security Council deadlocked over the Israeli attack that led to the deaths of four UN peacekeepers in Lebanon. The United States blocked any attempt to condemn the attack or criticise Israel, diplomats said. Clearly the veto powers of a few nations can block vital UN action when it is most needed.
Israel’s Criminal Accomplice
There never was any doubt of the Bush Regime’s complicity in Israel’s naked aggression against the Lebanese civilian population. Bush has protected Israel from world condemnation. Bush has blocked those who attempted to bring a stop to Israel’s bombing of residential neighborhoods and civilian infrastructure, and now Bush rushes more bombs for Israel to drop on Lebanon.
The military phase of World War III has started!
Dr Rath says that the long-term goal of the Bush administration is to establish a global dictatorship on behalf of the drug and oil cartel...
Continue reading "Health Supreme Daily NewsGrabs - 31 July 2006"
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Monday July 31 2006
updated on Saturday February 22 2014
| Comments (1)
July 21, 2006
The crisis in the Middle East and its current escalation over the taking of Israeli military prisoners and the resultant bombing of targets in Gaza and Lebanon almost has a mathematical certainty to lead to a wider conflict. Perhaps that is intended - to provide an excuse for a great massacre that involves not only Israel and Palestine but ultimately Syria, Iran and much of the Arab world as well.
Both sides of the fight know they are right, and both are backed in their conviction by international players who do not have a direct stake in the land that is being contested, but see the conflict as an opportunity to gain a foothold in that cradle of civilization - the Middle East.
The US is backing Israel, and no matter how many Palestinians - and now Lebanese - are killed, the response is that Israel has "every right to defend itself". The Palestinians have the sympathies of the Arab world, which sees the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine and the consequent hardship on the people who have lived there since ancient times as an affront on all decency and an unjustified aggression.

Image credit: Baha Boukhari
It is of little use to point to the UN resolutions sponsored by the English that led to the establishment of a Jewish state after the Second World War. Those resolutions are part of the problem. They cannot show us a way to a solution. But can there be change at all? Is there a way of solving the dilemma of two peoples' claim to the same piece of land without leaving one or both unsatisfied? Can the powder-keg be defused, in other words.
Perhaps, perhaps ... but such a solution would require a radical change in thinking. The input of the international community to pressure both sides to accept would be indispensable, which means that the hidden designs on controlling the area would have to be abandoned.
The proposal does not come from a high-powered think tank, it comes from a friend in South Africa, someone who does not have a mental block that would prevent change. But let me put this on the table anyway, for all it might be worth. Comments are of course welcome. Here is the idea, sent in by Sebastian.
Continue reading "Palestine, Israel - Defuse The Middle East Powder Keg!"
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Friday July 21 2006
updated on Wednesday September 24 2008
| Comments (3)
The world needs public trial of political leaders for war crimes and genocide
March 27, 2012
Depleted Uranium Doubled Diabetes Rate: Leuren Moret
September 28, 2006
Health Supreme Daily NewsGrabs - 31 July 2006
July 31, 2006
Palestine, Israel - Defuse The Middle East Powder Keg!
July 21, 2006
Dirty 'Depleted' Uranium - Far Worse Than Bird Flu
January 25, 2006
What if Everything You Thought You Knew About 911 Was a Big Fat Lie?
November 27, 2005
Do Antidepressants Cause Violence?
March 12, 2005
Depleted Uranium Coming Home To Roost - Dillon Bill In Conn Legislature
February 13, 2005
Uranium Munitions Are Weapons of Mass Destruction - Use Is A War Crime: Experts
September 17, 2004
World Health Organisation Blocked Depleted Uranium Study
March 05, 2004
If you want peace, prepare for peace...
October 13, 2003
Will Oil End War Economy?
October 12, 2003
Depleted Uranium - Silent genocide to haunt perpetrators
August 05, 2003
Greek lawyers initiate case before International Criminal Court
July 28, 2003
Capetown Anti Bush Demonstration
July 09, 2003
Pharmaceutical corporations accused of Genocide before ICC in The Hague
June 23, 2003
Don't risk a World War!
June 18, 2003
US Monopolizing use of Space
June 06, 2003
Peace and Health Congress in The Hague
June 04, 2003
Iraq after the War - People without Hope
June 02, 2003
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